

  • 日期:105-06-05
  • 計畫編號:105農科-11.5.1-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:劉富光
  • 研究人員:張格銓、阮雅莛、陳榮華、曾福生、杜金蓮

本試驗之目的係以分析YY尼羅吳郭魚之遺傳標誌,並持續尋找該品系之特有的雄性 遺傳標誌。試驗乃將雌性尼羅吳郭魚與YY以多對多方式進行配對,並篩選出吳郭魚 遺傳連鎖群LG23的4個遺傳標誌(Fwlk01, Fwlk02, Fwlk03與Fwlk04)。本年的工作項 目進行到YY- 2族群之子代,並採用群體交配的方式以確認Y所存在之遺傳連鎖群。 結果顯示,共成功繁殖F2約1000多尾,經隨機採樣293尾樣本與遺傳標誌分析,結果 發現新的YY尼羅吳郭魚的雄性決定之對偶基因,其YY種魚之基因座Fwlk03之等位基 因型F / F為雄性決定遺傳標誌,雄性率約為97.3%。試驗再將持續進行其他YY種系 之試驗,期篩選出能產生更高比例雄性子代之YY品系尼羅吳郭魚。 本研究之目的在於選育第二個紅色吳郭魚TsRn品系。以紅色吳郭魚CP 品系和紅色吳 郭魚TsR品系起始親本,紅色吳郭魚CP品系和TsR品系的雜交子一代(F1),再逐代回 交CP品系三次(F1,BC1, BC2, BC3),各雜交後之三月齡的體色變異結果,F1黑點子 代出現率37.14%~47.14%;BC1黑點子代出現率22.86%~41.43%;BC2三月齡的體色黑 點子代出現率 18.57%~27.14%,至BC3三月齡的體色黑點子代出現率 11.43%~20.00%。顯示BC3三月齡的體色黑點子代出現率很明顯的下降,收集BC3建立 基礎群,以供育種用的資材。


In this study, geneticmarkers were applied to research YY tilapia. Tilapia mated 6 female Nile tilapia with 5 YY male.Besides, several markers on LG23 were selected forgenotyping. We tracked the offsprings of YY-2 group and confirmedthe markers associate with Y in this year. The result show offspring (F2) were reproduced successful. Genotyping data were evidencesthat all markers (Fwlk01, Fwlk02, Fwlk03 and Fwlk04) associated with male onLG23. Therefore, we wish to continuereproduction and establish the genetic markers of YY tilapia in the future. The aim in this study was to breed the second red tilapia TsRn strain, we used the commercial red tilapia CP strain to cross the TsR strain, and then using the F1 (CP×TsR) gradually back cross CP male(BC1, BC2, BC3).The three-month-old fish of body color have black, black-spot and redappearance in each generation (F1, BC1, BC2,BC3), there was 37.14%~47.14% black-spotted in F1,22.86%~41.43% in BC1, 18.57%~27.14% in BC2, 11.43%~20.00%in BC3, the appearance rate of black-spot progeny to BC3at three-month-old was 11.43% ~ 20.00%. It is clear that the decline black-spotappearance, collecting this generation (BC3) establish TsRn strains forthe genetic development strain.