

  • 日期:105-06-05
  • 計畫編號:105農科-11.5.1-水-A1(6)
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:吳豐成
  • 研究人員:李素雲、莊雅文

本研究旨在探討飼料中補充抗氧化物質對石斑魚的成長及魚及抗氧化穩定性之影響 。試驗之基礎飼料以經魚粉、玉米筋粉和大豆粉等為蛋白來源,粗蛋白量為50%;以 鱈魚肝油、芥花油及橄欖油等為油脂來源,油脂混合物添加量為7%。本研究以2×3試 驗設計,即二種維生素C補充量(100及300 mg/kg)和三種維生素E補充量(150、300及 600 mg/kg),共六種飼料組共六種試驗飼料(代號分別為C1E15、C1E30、C1E60、 C3E15、C3E30及C3E60),經八週的成長試驗,結果顯示飼料中補充維生素C 300 m/kg的各試驗組石斑魚的成長增重、飼料效率、血漿SOD活性及肌肉TBARS值都顯著 性(P<0.05)優於對照組者。各試驗組魚的SOD活性均顯著高於對照組者,反之試驗組 魚的TBARS值則均顯著低於對照組者。由本研究結果,顯示飼料中補充較高維生素 C及E,有助於石斑魚的成長性能及降低肌肉的TBARS值。


The study was to investigate the effects of dietary antioxidants on growth performance and oxidative stress status of grouper. Six trial diets were formulated to be iso-nitrogenous (500 g/kg), iso-lipidic (70 g/kg). The trial diets was supplement with various the combination of vitamin C (100 or 300 mg/kg) and E(150, 300 or 600 mg/kg). Feed were hand fed to homogenous groups of 12 Epinephelus coioides juvenile (mean weight 4.2 g) per tank in triplicate for 8 weeks, in a recirculation system. Fish fed the diet supplement 300 mg of vitamin C/kg diet performed significantly better than fish fed the control diet. There was a tendency to higher SOD activities in plasma than in control grouper. There was also a tendency tolower TBARS values in muscle than in control grouper. Results of this study suggested that combination of higher vitamin C and E supplementation could help growth performances and decrease muscle TBARS values.