

  • 日期:110-07-30
  • 計畫編號:109農科-3.4.1-水-A1
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:食品科技研發
  • 主持人:葉念慈
  • 研究人員:高堂穎、陳文君、歐秀美

根據漁業署統計年報顯示,臺灣鯛屬養殖大宗漁獲物,近年因產量過剩,導致養殖 業者面臨產銷失衡困境,考量現代人求速求簡飲食習慣,本計畫以臺灣鯛研發海鮮 沖泡湯塊,提高水產品附加價值,結果顯示,其原料及VBN符合衛生署公告之冷凍魚 貝類規定標準規定,經檢測產品不同儲放時間之品質,結果顯示,水活性介於 0.15~0.32間,產品符合常溫流通條件,總生菌數<25CFU/g 、大腸桿菌群<3.0 MPN/ml,大腸桿菌呈陰性,黴菌則未檢出,表示產品食用上安全無虞,另發現Lab值 隨著儲放時間增加,其L及a值越來越低,但b值並無顯著差異,產品無油脂氧化現象 ,推測與儲放溫度相關,以儲藏實驗推估產品應可儲放至少1年,在官能品評部分 ,隨儲放天數增加亦無顯著差異,產品溶解度佳,成份天然,符合現代人健康訴求 ,且價格較市售產品便宜具競爭力。 目前市售海鮮沖泡湯塊少見,該產品研發可提供外食族多元化選擇魚產品,有助外 食族攝取豐富營養成分,未來更運用在產銷失衡或價錢低廉之漁獲上,解決大宗漁 獲物產量滯銷問題。


According to the statistical annual report of Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture, Taiwanese sea bream is a large-scale aquaculture catch. In recent years, overproduction has caused farmers to face an imbalance in production and sales. Taking into account the modern people’s desire for speed and simplicity in their eating habits, this project uses tilapia to develop seafood infusion to increase the added value of aquatic products. The results show that the raw materials and VBN value comply with the frozen fish and shellfish standards announced by Ministry of Health and Welfare. After accelerated storage test, the results show that the water activity is between 0.15 and 0.32, and the product meets the conditions of normal temperature circulation. The total plate count is < 25 CFU/g, coliform< 3.0 MPN/ml, and E. coli is negative, mold was not detected, indicating that the product is safe to eat. It is also found that as the storage time increases, the L and a values become lower and lower, but there is no significant difference in the b value. The product has no oil oxidation, which is inferred to be related to the storage temperature. Based on the test results, it is estimated that the product should be stored for at least 1 year. In the sensory evaluation, there is no significant difference with the increase in storage days. The product has good solubility and natural ingredients, which meets the health demands of modern people, and the price is cheaper and competitive than the commercially available products.

At present, it is rare for seafood to make soup cubes on the market. The development of this product can provide diversified choices of fish products for consumers, and help consumers to absorb rich nutrients. In the future, it can be used in catches with unbalanced production and sales or low-priced fish to solve the problem of unsalable production of large catches.