

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.2.3-水-A5
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:江偉全
  • 研究人員:張芸甄、吳瑞賢、張景淳、陳律祺、冼宜樂、黃文卿、林綉美、歐麗榛、雷晏青

自2020年1月至2020年10月止於臺東、澎湖及宜蘭採集正鰹生物性樣本進行族群特徵 解析。總計於臺東新港採得生殖腺樣本327個,體長(FL)範圍介於31~74.5公分,體 重範圍為0.6~8.7公斤。卡方檢定結果顯示臺灣東部海域正鰹性比7月有顯著差異 ,其它的月別間無顯著差異。利用生殖腺成熟指數及生殖腺成熟度月別變化顯示東 部海域以4~7月為產卵高峰期。由澎湖馬公第三魚市場及鎖港定置網漁場採得36個樣 本(樣本體長範圍為34.4~51.1公分,體重範圍為0.8~3.0公斤)。由同位素氮碳分析 顯示,臺東正鰹δ15N平均值為9.80‰;δ13C平均值為-17.92‰,營養位階為3.45;澎 湖正鰹δ15N平均值為11.31‰;δ13C平均值為-18.11‰,營養位階為4.07。δ15N值澎湖 高於臺東,δ13C值則無明顯差別,而臺東及澎湖正鰹δ15N值與體長之間的關係皆不 顯著,這種情況常在位於大陸沿岸的環境中被發現。依漁獲方式分為焚寄網、定置 網及曳繩釣進行穩定同位素之分析,結果顯示不同漁法捕獲之正鰹在δ15N值有明顯 差別,以定置網捕獲最高,焚寄網捕獲次之,曳繩釣捕獲最低。臺灣東部正鰹樣本 中101尾(30.7%)具胃內含物。由餌料生物之相對重要性指數分析胃內含物組成 ,結果顯現最重要之餌料生物以圓鰺(Decapterus spp.) 2054.32為最高,其次為飛 魚(Cheilopogon spp.) 609.02、鎖管(Myopsina spp.) 442.68,這些初步結果表明 東部正鰹之主要餌料生物為台灣東部的中上層魚類。澎湖正鰹胃內容物共出現5種餌 料生物,以斑都鰏(Leiognathus bindus) 4371.85為最高,其次為鯷科魚類 388.78。以粒線體D-loop完整序列進行臺灣沿海正鰹族群分析。結果顯示臺灣正鰹 族群數量相當穩定且具有高度流通性。haplotype與NCBI上其他研究之親緣關係相似 。所有樣本顯示其基因型具有微弱的分群。自2017年12月至2019年3月止,總計於臺 灣東部海域標識放流正鰹239尾,配置148枚電子式紀錄器,至目前(2020年11月)為 止再捕獲15尾(回收率6.3%),其中有3枚電子式標識器回收,但1枚沒有解讀出資料 。由標識器配置在魚體時間為26及31天資料顯示,正鰹日間比夜間下潛至較深的海 域,棲息之溫度與深度有顯著性差異,環境水溫最低為13.0°C及13.2°C,腹腔溫度 則為17.0°C及18.5°C。臺灣東部正鰹喜好棲息在50公尺~300公尺水層經常性的深潛 與上浮,本次正鰹標識放流研究結果是首次揭示正鰹在臺灣東部棲息海域之環境偏 好及游泳行為特徵等漁業獨立(fishery-independent)資料。


Skipjack tuna samples were collected monthly at Shinkang fishing port, Penghu third fishing market and Penghu Suogang fixed net fishing market from January 2020 to October 2020. 329 samples (31-74.5 cm fork length; 0.6-8.7 kg) were collected in eastern Taiwan. The result of the chisquare test showed that there was a significant difference in the sex ratio in July, and no significant difference in other months. The result shows that the peak period of spawning in the eastern Taiwan waters is April to July. 36 samples (34.4-51.1 cm fork length; 0.76-2.96 kg) were collected at Penghu third fishing market and Penghu Suogang fixed net fishing market. The δ15N value is 9.80‰, the δ13C value is -17.92‰and the trophic position is 3.45 of the Taitung skipjack tuna. The δ15N value is 11.31‰, the δ13C value is -18.11‰and the trophic position is 4.07 of the Penghu skipjack tuna. It shows that theδ15N value of Penghu samples is higher than Taitung samples. However, there is no difference between Penghu and Taitung samples. The relationship between the δ15N value and the fork length is both not significant of the Taitung and Penghu samples, and this situation is often found in the waters near the land. According to the fishing method, it is divided into torch light net, set net and trolling line fishery for stable isotope analysis. It shows that the δ15N value is obvious differences among the fishing methods, with the set net the highest, the torch light net the second and the trolling line fishery the lowest. In total eastern samples were collected, of which 31.7% (n=101) contained identifiable prey. According to the index of relative importance (IRI), the most important prey species were Round scad (Decapterus sp.; IRI=2054.32) followed by Flyingfish (Cheilopogon sp.; IRI=609.02) and Cephalopods (Myopsina sp.; IRI=442.68). These preliminary results indicate that skipjack tuna feed predominantly on pelagic fishes in eastern Taiwan waters. In Penghu samples, five kinds of food organisms appeared in the stomach contents. According to IRI, the most important prey species were Leiognathus bindus (IRI=4371.85), followed by Clupeidae sp. and Engraulidae sp. (IRI=388.78). The complete mitochondrial D-loop sequence was used to analyze the bonito population along the coast of Taiwan. The results show that the population of skipjack tuna in Taiwan is quite stable and highly circulated. Haplotype is similar to other studies on NCBI. All samples show that their genotypes have weak clustering. From December 2017 to March 2019, a total of 239 signs were released in the eastern sea area of Taiwan, and 148 electronic recorders were deployed. Up to now (November 2020), another 15 were captured (recovery rate: 6.3%). Of which 3 electronic markers were recovered, but 1 did not interpret the information. Two skipjack tuna provided in aggregate data archiving 26 and 31 days-at-liberty. The tagged skipjack tuna dove deeper during daytime than at nighttime (p<0.001). There is significant difference during daytime and nighttime in temperature and depth. During that dive of two fish, the ambient temperature reached a low of 13 and 13.2°C, and the peritoneal cavity temperature reached a low of 17 and 18.5°C. Skipjack tuna displayed repetitive bounce-diving behavior to depths between 50 and 300 m during the daytime. Our findings are the first fishery-independent observations on the degree of vertical habitat of skipjack tuna in eastern Taiwan, provide about the interaction an ecological and fisheries.