Valonia aegagropila has been widely used to study ion exchange and water potential across biological membranes. However, up to this date, it is still only based on collection, and there is no literature on cultivation and utilization. The purpose of this project is to establish mass production technology of Valonia, and to observe the effects of different treatment aegagropila conditions on the potassium and sodium content of Valonia aegagropila, hoping to find out the value of this alga and improve its utilization. First, in the mass production test results, it was found that in the greenhouse, 0.5 tons of brine shrimp buckets, 0.4 tons of water body, water temperature of 17-21 ℃, natural light, and aspirated environment, the water exchange rate is 25%/hr, 2.5 g/l culture density, 60% shading rate and supplementation of nutrients (1ppm urea+10ppm superphosphate) every 2 days, cultivating Valonia aegagropila for 16 days, the best specific growth rate is 7.56±0.10% and weight gain rate is 235.37±5.23%, and more than 300 Valonia aegagropila have been produced. After treatment with different conditions, the group treated with LED lamp color temperature 3000 K has the highest potassium content of 260,725±12,760 mg/kg; while the group treated with sunlight flow (mass production mode) has the lowest sodium content is 24,310 ±2,306 mg/kg, but there is no significant difference from the sunlight (stop water type) group. In summary, if you want to take advantage of the high potassium content of Valonia aegagropila, proper treatment can be given after mass production, which can quickly increase the potassium content of Valonia aegagropila. It may be used as one of the sources of potassium for humans in the future.