

  • 日期:111-10-24
  • 計畫編號:110農科-6.5.1-水-A1
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:吳瑞賢
  • 研究人員:許鐘鋼、朱永桐、杜金蓮、何珈欣、翁進興、李彥 宏、鄭明忠、蘇勰忠、藍揚麒、江玉瑛、鄭世榮、陳 盈達、范氏碧、江偉全、蔡龍泉、董家宏、林憲忠、 蔡富元、許紅虹、李任棋、蔡惠萍、曾福生、朱惠 真、王鐘慶、張綦璿、何源興、黃星翰、葉信利、邱 沛盛、張丁仁、陳陽德、黃維能、陳秋月

本年度進行新建鬼頭刀魚苗培育池工程,已完成直徑9公尺,最深處2公尺之圓形池2座。本池設計含有防曬黑網、中央排汙、高水位溢流、進水及池邊打氣造流等功能。本年度收集鬼頭刀活體進行畜養,共計取得108尾稚魚及7尾成魚,並進行活魚運輸、餌料馴化及成長觀察等試驗。自2021年4月至10月於新港漁港採集鬼頭刀進行初步生殖生物學研究,共採集雌魚45尾、雄魚40尾。結果顯示採集之雌魚體長範圍由73至114.5公分,雄魚本體長為65至120公分。雌性平均月別GSI值最低和最高分別為10月和4月,範圍從1.65到8.38。4月和7月為兩個高峰值。雄性平均月別GSI值最低和最高分別為10月和6月,範圍從0.22到1.04。高峰值在6月。康氏馬加鰆俗稱為土魠魚,為臺灣重要的大洋性洄游性經濟魚種,本年度計畫目標在於確認康氏馬加鰆生殖期及產卵場、遺傳歧異度分析方法及精子凍結保存方式建立。本研究結果康氏馬加鰆生殖期為3~8月,高峰期為3~5月,50 %性成熟體長雌雄分別為68公分及68.4公分,產卵場在臺灣淺堆周邊海域。另遺傳歧異度分析方法為首先透過選用組織、確認體基因組萃取方法後,經73組引子RAPD引子多次測試,剔除6組無聚合酶連鎖反應產物之引子,最終篩選了10組產物可清楚辨識且再現性高的引子參與分析,樣本為不同時間採樣之75個康氏馬加鰆鰓組織,這些RAPD引子擴增的片段大小介於100 bp~1500 bp,每樣本平均可擴增51條(至少4條,最多81條)條帶供分析,合併計算RAPD條帶後,經UPGMA計算所得之群集分析樹狀,於遺傳距離為0.63時,可將土魠分為2大亞群,確認本研究建立之RAPD方法可以做為初步分群以及評估康氏馬加鰆彼此的遺傳歧異性,將來則可應用於參與繁殖之土魠魚之遺傳歧異度追蹤。澎湖五德箱網養殖之杜氏鰤是來自澎湖鎖港的定置網捕獲,經過約3-4年之養殖,目前體重約5-11 ㎏,蓄養在8×8×5 M的箱網中。4月1日起陸續將杜氏鰤種魚移至陸上200噸HDPE圓形池,進行交配及卵粒收集,但產卵狀況不佳,至7月初觀察生殖孔已經閉鎖。將收集到1g受精卵進行初步餌料測試,牡蠣受精卵為開口餌料,接續為輪蟲、橈足類,18日齡平均全長約5 ㎜。調查野生捕獲之杜氏鰤之生殖腺指數,1月份雌雄魚GSI均低於1,2月份雌雄魚GSI均倍增,3-4月份均在2左右,為最高峰,5月份降至2月份水準,顯示繁殖季結束。從10月20日起由定置網進8批次145尾杜氏鰤成魚(420-1292 g),活存112尾,活存率77.24 %,將持續培養成為新的杜氏


This year, the construction of the newly-built Coryphaena hippurus fry breeding pond has been completed. Two circular ponds with a diameter of 9 meters and a depth of 2 meters have been completed. The design of this pool includes functions such as sun protection black net, central sewage, high water overflow, and water flow by water intake and air pumping by the pool.This year, the Coryphaena hippurus was collected live for livestock breeding, and a total of 108 juveniles and 7 adult fish were obtained. And conduct live fish transportation, bait domestication and growth observation experiments.From April 2021 to October, the C oryphaena hippurus was collected at the Xingang Fishing Port Fish Market for preliminary reproductive biology research. A total of 45 female fish and 40 male fish were collected. The results showed that the body length of the collected female fish ranged from 73 to 114.5 cm, and the body length of the male fish was 65 to 120 cm. The lowest and highest monthly GSI values of females were in October and April, ranging from 1.65 to 8.38. There were two peaks in April and July. The lowest and highest monthly GSI values of males were October and June, ranging from 0.22 to 1.04. The peak is in June.

Scomberomorus commerson is an important oceanic migratory economic fish species in Taiwan. The aim of this study is to establish a genetic divergence analysis method and reproductive period for Scomberomorus commerson. On the basis of progressive changes in ovary size, ovary histology, oocyte diameter, and gonadosomatic index, the spawning season was estimated to extend from March through August, peakingbetween March and May that the Taiwan Strait is a spawning ground for Scomberomorus commerson. Based on a logistic model, sizes at 50% of maturity were 68.0 and 68.4 cm in FL for female and male specimens, respectively. After checking tissues and confirming the genome extraction method, we selected 73 sets of RAPD primers and eliminated 6 sets of primers that were unable to produce products. Finally, screened 10 sets of primers with clearly identifiable and highly reproducible products to participate in the analysis in this study. 75 Scomberomorus commerson gill tissues sampled at different times were used as samples for this study. these RAPD PCR products’ ranges are from 100bp to 1500bp, and an average of 51 (at least 4, at most 81) bands can be amplified per sample for analysis. After the cluster analysis tree calculated by UPGMA, Scombero morus commerson can be divided into 2 subgroups when the genetic distance is 0.63. This study established RAPD method can be used as a preliminary grouping and evaluation of the genetic divergence of Scomberomorus commerson. It can be used in the future to track the genetic divergence of Scomberomorus commerson involved in reproduction.

Seriola dumerili from Wude cage culture are captured by set-net from Suogang in Penghu, about 3-4 years of breeding, weight 5-11 kg, stored in a 8×8×5 M sea cage. Since April 1, S. dumerili have been successively moved to the onshore 200 mt HDPE round pool for mating and egg collection, but the spawning condition is poor. By early July, it was observed that the reproductive pore has been closed. One gram fertilized eggs were collected for preliminary bait test. Oyster fertilized eggs were used as open bait, followed by rotifers and copepods, with an average length of about 5mm at the age of 18 days. The Gonado Somatic Index (GSI) of the wild caught S. dumerili was investigated. The GSI of male and female
fish in January was lower than 1, doubled in February, and March to April is about 2, the highest peak. In May, fell to the February level, indicating the end of the breeding season. From October 20, 145 S. dumerili(420-1292 g)in 8 batches were catched from the set-net, and 112 survived, with a survival rate of 77.24 %,will be cultured as new broodstock of S. dumerili.