

  • 日期:111-10-24
  • 計畫編號:110農科-6.1.2-水-A2(6)
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:曾正豪
  • 研究人員:吳允暉、陳郁凱、黃星翰、金建邦、何珈欣、翁進興、陳人裕、劉康熙、吳伊淑

帶魚屬魚類廣泛分布於臺灣沿近海域,為重要的經濟性魚種之一。本研究以試驗船聲學探測進行北部海域帶魚漁獲熱點資源分布研究,並蒐集臺灣沿近海域帶魚屬魚類進行組成分析,以及針對日本帶魚生殖生物學進行研究。聲探調查由平均Sv分布可以看出9月航次以富貴角至鼻頭角外海及龜山島海域100公尺等深線附近有較高之資源分布。整合前一年計畫所採集帶魚樣本,採樣期間自2019年11月至2021年10月,總共蒐集日本帶魚5,551尾、南海帶魚857尾、白帶魚45尾。日本帶魚樣本肛前長(PAL)介於123–820 mm,體重(BW)介於27.21–4500 g;其中雌魚3,548尾,雄魚1,949尾,雌雄性比為64.5 %(雌魚數/雌魚+雄魚)。經由生殖腺指數GSI及各月份生殖腺成熟比例推估,日本帶魚為終年生殖,生殖高峰為1至5月及9至11月,50 %性成熟肛前長雌性為268.2 mm、雄性為266.2 mm。


The cutlassfishes (Trichirus spp.) is commercial fishery targeted demersalspecies which lives in the surrounding waters of Taiwan. This study focuses on the acoustic survey in the northern waters off Taiwan, and the species composition, reproductive biology of cutlassfishes in waters off Taiwan. The mean Sv (volume backscattering strength, dB) distribution of acoustic survey showed the biological resources was concentrated in the Offshore of Fugui Cape to the Bitou Cape, and the waters of Guishan Island. From Nov. 2019 to Oct. 2021, totally 5,551 Trichiurus japonicas, 857 Trichiurus nanhaiensis and 45 Trichiurus lepturus were caught per month sampling. The sex ratio (female/total) of Trichiuru s japonicas was 64.5 % belong to 3,548 female and 1,949 male. The reproductive period was January to May and September to November estimated by the GSI and the proportion of gonad maturity. The Pre-Anal length (PAL) at 50% sexually maturity for female and male were 268.2 mm and 266.2 mm, respectively.