

  • 日期:93-06-18
  • 年度:2004
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:丁雲源
  • 研究人員:周昱翰、黃福銘

育成體型3-5 cm稚蝦100萬尾及型12-15cm成蝦1萬尾,以供放流。並依1000:1(放流蝦總數:標識蝦尾數)的比例進行標識放流蝦。同時採樣檢定粒腺體DNA,建立放流蝦之DNA資料。透過斑節蝦種苗量產、中間育成及標識放流,以保育雲嘉地區沿岸海域斑節蝦資源。


The purpose of this project is to establish the techniques of stock enhancement along thecoastal of Yulin and Chiayi of kuruma prawn. The objectives are to establish the massproduction of seed, large-scale nursery, tagging techniques and to evaluate the effort ofreleasing of kuruma prawn. This year had obtained 1000 thousand 3-5 ㎝juvenile and10 thousand 10-15 ㎝adult prawn for releasing. Those were in 100:1 ratio for tagging.And analysis Mitochondria's DNA to establish DNA data of the releasing prawnpopulation.