

  • 日期:93-06-18
  • 年度:2003
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:陳紫媖

1. 定置網捕獲的魚種具多樣化的特性,尤其台灣西南竹坑地區定置網由於地處黑潮支流海域,捕獲魚種多達百餘種,其中不乏頗具經濟性的高級魚類,本試驗主要工作項目在採集魚類受精卵進行孵化,鑑識或蒐集幼魚進行培育,並定期針對捕獲魚種進行不同季節體型組成.性比及性線指數的調查,作為日後進行人工繁殖的參考。2. 龍膽石斑為台灣重要的海水魚養殖魚種,但因由幼魚階段起,容易感染疑似病毒性的疾病,導致低活存率。在中間育成階段,以清水、流水式養殖,常發生眼後的頭部上方色素脫落,宛如發生『臭頭』的現象,而喪失商品價值。本試驗擬由預防及治療兩方面著手,提升龍膽石斑中間育成的活存率,預防方面擬提早收獲、篩選魚苗,縮短篩選間隔,以綜合維生素或多醣體滋養豐年蝦成蟲或混在下雜魚漿中,再投餵龍膽石斑魚苗,以了解其預防病毒性疾病發生的情形。如果發生上述該病症後,擬探討在何種環境條件或處理下(鹽度之不同、藻水與否、有機液之添加與否及藥浴與否等),可改善其活存率。而頭部黑色素分布失常的問題,擬將龍膽石斑養殖在不同水質處理的條件下,以了解此種症狀的出現率,並分析水質的特性,以提出解決的辦法。本試驗之進行可提升龍膽石斑在中間育成階段的育成率,增加漁民的收益。3. 本計畫目標在於以基因轉殖及重組蛋白之生物技術將餌料生物轉換成兼具生物反應器(bioreactor)功能,首先已建立基因轉殖技術平台,而接著則是以此技術平台評估各類基因起動子在餌生物之效率。其結果可作為表達重組蛋白質時選擇起動子之重要依據,所以本年度之計畫目標如下:1)所建立含有各式基因起動子載體,2)轉殖基入餌料生物中,3) 評估各式基因起動子在餌料生物強度。


1. There are over hundred of species caugth by set net at Taiwan Waters, many of themare of economic value, This project attemp to identify the collecting fertilized eqqs,rearing the fingerlings and investigate the body compositions, sex ratio andgondosomatic index at different seasons.2. King grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) is an important cultured marine species inTaiwan. Low survival rate was found because of susceptibility in virus-like disease fromnursery stage. In addition, their commercial value was lost in occurrence of 『headpigment losing syndrome』by rearing them with the flow-through clear seawater. Thisstudy aims to increase the survival of juvenile by the ways of prophylactic andtherapeutic methods. In prophylactic method are including of harvesting the fry beforecannibalistic stage, shorten the grading interval and supply of vitamin mixture or glucanto Artemia and trash fishes. In therapeutic method, to improve the survival rate ofjuvenile by rearing them in different environmental conditions (difference in salinity,green water or clear water, supplement of dissolved organic matter and treat withtherapeutic agent or not). The fry are planned to rear in varying water qualityconditions by different treatment methods in order to realize the occurrence of headpigment losing syndrome. The solving method will be suggested after analysis of waterquality. The profits of aqua-farmers will be improved after carrying out of this studyafter improving the survival rate of king grouper at nursery stage.3. The goal of this project is to make live with the function of bioreactors usingtransgenic and recombinant protein techniques. The first thing to do is to establish agene transfer plateform followed by evaluation of promoter function in live feeds.Thereafter, proper promoter can be selected to express recombinant protein in livefeeds. The objectives of this year are: 1) construction vectors with promoter liquated toreporter gene, 2) transferring the constructed vectors into live feeds for promoter,3)evaluating promoter function in live feeds.