

  • 日期:93-07-02
  • 年度:2003
  • 領域:生物技術領域
  • 主持人:彭昌洋
  • 研究人員:林俊辰、蔡雪貞、潘惠婉

秋刀魚是我國重要遠洋漁獲物之一,其主要漁期為每年八至十一月,90年度產量39,750公噸,將來有增加之趨勢。秋刀魚是提供EPA和DHA的良好來源,以往曾有研究人員將之加工成罐頭、夾層魚排、調味魚乾及珍味製品。煙燻是食品傳統加工方式之一,其製品具有良好之外觀與風味,且能延長製品的保存性;因此,本計畫將進行秋刀魚煙燻加工條件之探討,以開發秋刀魚調理燻製品,提高秋刀魚的加工利用價值。本年度主要重要工作包括:(1)鹽漬方式之探討:將秋刀魚解凍後,分為全魚(僅去除魚鰓),或背開、腹開(去除魚鰓、內臟)等三種型態,再塗抹食鹽或浸泡於不同鹽溶液中,隨後移入5℃低溫櫃中,進行鹽漬處理,定時採樣測定魚肉中的鹽分變化情形,並且測定pH、VBN、TBA、APC、PPC、Colifom 及E. coli等指標以瞭解其品質之變化情形。(2)煙燻處理條件之探討:將鹽漬後魚體懸吊於台車上,推入煙燻機中,以不同煙燻處理條件進行處理。於各階段,採樣分析樣品之顏色、pH、VBN、TBA、APC、PPC、Colifom 及E. coli等指標以瞭解其外觀和品質的變化情形。(3)成品接受性之比較與製程之建立:初步篩選出4-6種樣品,進行官能品評,以比較其接受性,經由綜合評估官能品評及化學與微生物學的分析結果,建立適宜加工製程。


Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) is one of the most important landings caught from deepsea. The fishing season of pacific saury is between August and November each year.The catches in 2001 was 39,750 mt in Taiwan and was expected to increase in thefuture. Pacific saury was good sources of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoicacid. The processed forms of pacific saury including canned, fish cake, dried stick anddried seasoned reformed fish slice were developed by researchers. Smoking is one oftraditional methods to process fishes. It is the best way to preserve the appearance,texture and to bring up unique flavor, and will extend preservative time. Therefore, thestudies will implement various smoking conditions in order to enhance added value ofpacific saury.Three main sections in this study are (1). Brining study: After thawing, raw materials aredivided into three types: whole fish (gill removed only), splitting from dorsal and splittingfrom ventral (gill and viscera are removed). Brining fish with dry salt or with differentconcentration of salt solution and stored at 5℃, and the fish will be sampled at intervaland measured the concentrations of NaCl, pH, VBN, TBA, APC, PPC, Colform and E.coli. to evaluate the quality changes. (2).Smoking condition study: After brining, the fishare smoked with different conditions and analyzed their color, pH, VBN, TBA, APC,PPC,Colform and E. coli at intervals to evaluate the appearance and quality changes.(3). Panel evaluation and process design: 4-6 different smoked fish samples arecompared their sensual acceptability with panel evaluation. Basing on the above results,the quality characteristics of smoked pacific saury during brining and smoking processeswill be clearly understood, so the most suitable smoked processing condition of pacificsaury can be developed.