

  • 日期:98-04-17
  • 年度:2007
  • 領域:加強生物多樣性及資源保育利用領域
  • 主持人:謝恆毅
  • 研究人員:謝恆毅、冼宜樂、陳仁偉、蔡萬生

澎湖群島係由90個島嶼及許多礁岩所組成的群島,海岸線綿長,擁有多樣的海洋棲地,海洋環境則受到南中國海洋流、大陸沿岸流及黑潮支流的影響,各種來源的生物薈萃於此。過去對於澎湖海域生物多樣性的研究,大多著重於物種名錄的建立,對於物種之豐度及分佈等生物多樣性之重要參數缺乏量化紀錄,本計畫目的在建立澎湖地區生物多樣性相關基礎資料。本(96)年度針對澎湖內海海域物種豐度資料所做的類聚分析,與94-95年的資料合併起來比較發現,東、北海域的彼此之間的分群不明顯,南海海域及內海海域則各自成獨立的一群,進一步以多向度尺度分析(Multi-dimensional Scaling, MDS),以及相似度分析法(Analysis of Similarity, ANOSIM)亦支持類聚分析樹狀圖的分析結果。綜合過去三年的調查結果,石珊瑚物種部分,澎湖東北海域18屬40種、澎湖南部海域18屬62種、內海海域18屬38種。短尾類甲殼動物的部分,東部海域計有10科37屬56種、北部海域計有17科23屬39種、南部海域計有18科56屬89種及內海海域計有10科25屬36種。大型藻類部分,東、北海域56屬90種、南海63屬99種、內海60屬100種。


Penghu archipelagoes possess long seashore lines, rich marine fauna and flora. The marine environment around Penghu is mainly affected by the South China Sea Current, China Coastal current and Kuroshio Cuurent. Previous studies on the marine biodiversity in Penghu mostly focused on the species lists. Information about the other important parameters of biodiversity such as abundances and distributions was few. The aim of this project is to integrate those with Geographic Information System (GIS) to provide useful references for reservations and further sustainable utilization in Penghu. Clustering analysis of species abundance of surveyed sites shows that east and north sections group together and the south section is independent one. Further multiple dimensional scaling (MDS) and analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) also support the former results. According to the previous results of past three years, there are 18 genera, 40 species of Scleractinian coral in north/east sections, 18 genera, 62 species in south section and 18 genera, 38 species in inner section around Penghu water. As for the crustacean, there are 37 genera, 56 species in east secton, 23 genera, 39 species in north section, 56 genera, 89 species in south section and 25 genera, 36 species in inner section. Concerning the macroalgae, there are 56 genera, 90 species of Scleractinian coral in north/east sections, 63 genera, 99 species in south section and 60 genera, 100 species in inner sections around Penghu water.