

  • 日期:98-04-20
  • 計畫編號:98農科-10.2.1-水-A1(3)
  • 年度:2009
  • 主持人:吳龍靜
  • 研究人員:翁進興、賴繼昌、黃建智、吳春基、陳守仁、葉信明、程嘉諺、謝泓諺、陳秋月

本年度在車城外海之中層人工浮魚礁區標識11尾不同大小體長(FL41.5~54cm)的黃鰭鮪及4尾正鰹後放流,於浮魚礁設置點(22。12.061'N;120。22.213'E)水下40m設置接收器(VEMCO, VR2W),同時在另1組中層人浮魚礁(22。11.215'N;120。19.235'E)以船上之VR28接收器進行追蹤。以超音波發信器(VEMCO, V9P及V13P)做為樣本魚標識工具,結果顯示,黃鰭鮪停留在中層人工浮魚礁最長時間為31天,正鰹停留則僅有數小時,在洄游動態方面,黃鰭鮪幼魚在白天與晚上洄游深度有顯著差異,一般而言,白天垂直洄游深度在60-80公尺,最深可達250m左右,晚上集中在20公尺以淺之間洄游。正鰹垂直洄游最深僅120公尺。在月像觀察方面,黃鰭鮪新月與滿月時垂直洄游比較,滿月時無論白天或晚上垂直洄游最深達120公尺,平均水深46.3公尺;新月時日夜間的垂直洄游無明顯變化,垂直洄游最深達250公尺,平均棲息水深71.6公尺。


Fourteen individual yellow fin tuna (41-75.5cm fork length) , and four skipjack tuna were tagged with ultrasonic telemetry tags and released around a subsurface FADs in the coastal waters off Che-Cheng . We set an acoustical receiver(VR2W)at 40 meters underwater on the subsurface FADs (22。07.20'N;120。24.20'E), and the second one was 600 meters apart from the first receiver in the southeast direction, we tracked the tagging fish with VR28 receiver on the ship. The maximum associating period of 31 days was observed on a 49cm yellowfin tuna. In vertical distribution, the fish mostly stayed in the depth of 60-80 meters in daytime and dived to the maximum depth of 250 meters. In nighttime, the fish gathered in the depth of 20-60 meters. Skipjack tuna stay around the subsurface FAD about few hours, and mostly stayed in the 20-120 meters deep. Gathered in the shallower waters of less than 20 meters deep and occasionally to 200 meters deep. The comparison of vertical migration during new moon and full moon; the vertical migration depth was 120 meters in daytime and nighttime during full moon, and the average depth was 46.3 meters. No significant variation of vertical migration was observed between daytime and nighttime during new moon, the vertical migration depth was 250 meters; the average habitat depth was 71.6 meters.