

  • 日期:98-04-21
  • 計畫編號:98農科-10.2.1-水-A3
  • 年度:2009
  • 主持人:劉燈城
  • 研究人員:吳繼倫、陳郁凱、王友慈、潘佳怡、陳人平張可揚、簡煌彬、張玉真、楊珮芬、吳龍靜翁進興、陳秋月

本研究利用台灣東部黑潮流域長期、廣範圍的海域環境觀測資料,以泛加成模式(Generalized Additive Models, GAMs)建立橈腳類豐度與環境因子間的量化關係,並探討各環境因子對橈腳類豐度所造成的不同效應。樣本來源為「台灣周邊海域漁場環境監測」計畫於2005年至2008年按季所採得之觀測資料。GAM模式建構係利用階段回推排除法(backward stepwise elimination)來決定模式中顯著的已知變數,結果顯示各因子對橈腳類豐度變異的相對影響程度排序分別為季節、葉綠素甲濃度、100m水溫、5m鹽度、5m水溫、5m與100m水溫差。由GAM分析結果得知橈腳類豐度在台灣東部黑潮流域具有明顯的空間分布趨勢,分布梯度有向葉綠素甲濃度高、水溫低及鹽度低等環境特徵傾斜的趨勢。整體而言,研究區域西北部近岸區(121.5~122°E, 23.5~24.5°N)與西南部近岸區(121~121.5°E, 22~23°N)為橈腳類豐度高值區,此為GAM模式預測之台灣東部黑潮流域橈腳類豐度分布特徵。


Spatial distribution patterns of copepod abundances were analyzed in relation to environmental variables in the Kuroshio waters adjacent to eastern Taiwan. Generalized additive models (GAMs) were applied to examine the relative influence of environmental factors on copepod abundance in this region. Data for the analysis consisted of a 4 year time series, during quarterly cruises of the TaiCOFI program from 2005 to 2008. To construct a GAM, relationships were analyzed for physical and biotic variables (season, chlorophyll-a concentration, temp at 5m, temp at 100m, temp differences between 5m and 100m, sal_5m). Stepwise GAM building revealed the relative importance of the variables in explaining the variance in copepod abundance. The variables ranked (1) season, (2) chl-a concentration, (3) temp_100m, (4) sal_5m, (5)temp_5m and (6) temp_diff in decreasing order. Time series of copepod abundance standardized for physical and biotic factors quantified in the GAM showed that in general, the spatial pattern of copepod abundance was characterized by noticeable high abundances were associated with higher chlorophyll-a concentration, lower temperature at 5 m and lower salinity at 5m in the northwestern (121.5~122°E, 23.5~24.5°N) and southwestern (121~121.5°E, 22~23°N) nearshore region of the study area.