

  • 日期:98-04-21
  • 年度:2007
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:謝恆毅
  • 研究人員:謝恆毅、徐振豐、冼宜樂、陳仁偉、蔡萬生

為再造海藻資源,本計劃選定馬尾藻屬為目標藻種,進行海中造林復育試驗。馬尾藻移植後成長狀況以及移植殘存率,皆以二崁海域為最佳、瓦硐次之,青灣內灣最差。實地密集調查澎湖潮間帶馬尾藻之生長週期、分佈資料,充分瞭解生活史及對環境的需求,進而試驗種原保存之方法。利用馬尾藻固著器、假莖及假葉建立一套簡易再生葉狀體的方法,嘗試找出適合之培養基。2007年1月至10月期間,於馬公市西衛、觀音亭、烏崁、青灣及澎湖縣西嶼鄉合界、瓦硐、二崁、赤馬潮間帶處採集7種馬尾藻。將馬尾藻固著器、假莖和假葉以藻膠培養基培育,結果匍枝馬尾藻Sargassum polycystum 、中國半葉馬尾藻S. hemiphyllum var. chinense 及多孢馬尾藻S. polyporum 之固著器再生率為100%。再取此三種藻之固著器,利用褐藻膠固定化包埋後,以四種不同成分之藻膠:洋菜、純洋菜 (A 1296)、高凝膠強度洋菜(A 9799)及卡拉膠(C 1013)培養,也皆達100%。顯示馬尾藻之固著器適合作為人工種苗生產之極佳材料。藻類行光合作用,吸收二氧化碳具有簡緩溫室效應一定的效果,實驗結果顯示比微細藻類的鈣板金藻為佳。


In order to increase the macroalgae resources, the Sargassum spp. were chosen as target species for forestation and restoration experiments in the ocean. After transplantations, the growth rates and survival rates of Sargassum spp. were best in Erkan, Watung the second and Chinwan the worst. Thoroughly investigations on the growth cycles and distributions help to know the life histories, environmental demands and even the ways to preserve the species resources of Sargassum spp. Simple methods were established for thallus regenerations from holdfasts, stipes and blades of brown alga Sargassum spp., and determination of suitable media. Seven species of Genus Sargassum were collected at the intertidal zones of Si-wei, Guanyinting, Wukan, Chin-Wan, Her-Chieh, Wa-Tong, Er-Kan and Chi-Ma in Penghu from January to October, 2007. The holdfasts, stipes and blades of Sargassum spp. were cultivated with agar media, and the result showed that regenerate rates of holdfasts of S. polycystum, S. hemiphyllum var. chinense and S. polycystum could reach 100%. Furthermore, the above three species were cultivated with four different media: agar, purified agar (A 1296), high gel strength agar (A9799) and carrageen (C1013) after being immobilized with algin. Regeneration rates of all combinations of treatments and samples also reached 100%. It suggested that holdfasts of Sargassum spp. could be excellent candidates for artificial seeds. Photosynthesis of macroalgae helps to absorb carbon dioxide. The results also show better efficiency of absorbance than microalgae.