

  • 日期:100-04-15
  • 計畫編號:99農科-10.3.1-水-A1(4)
  • 年度:2010
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:黃家富

魚骨 屬台灣原生初級性淡水魚種,分佈於台灣北部平地河川,是溪流中較大的經濟魚類,目前已有學者將其列為珍稀魚類。在建構國家水產種原庫時,生物族群資源分析、物種基因庫之建立及人工育種等是不可欠缺的一環。本中心自2008年11月起委請關西田野工作協會協助自然水域- 台北新店溪、桃園大漢溪及新竹縣頭前溪與鳳山溪之樣品採集。2009年2月時魚群出現高峰,且其生殖腺指數GSI值平均為7.28±1.92,至4月時,GSI值下降至4.22±2.19,魚群數量也逐漸減少,2010年水域水溫較去年略高,樣品之GSI值於1-2月平均僅1.2-1.4%,3月之平均GSI值則快速發育至5.23%後即降至0.69%,可見本年度種魚成熟度不良。
於2010年3月進行2次不同激素促進種魚產卵試驗,結果顯示單獨使用HCG或LHRH激素,均無法促進種魚產卵,而混合使用HCG+LHRH+DOM(地歐酮)時可促進種魚產卵。其卵粒卵徑在2.1-2.2 mm間,但因卵質不佳,無法順利孵化。4月進行3次試驗,由於種魚生殖腺發育已極速消退,經激素誘發產卵均未能獲得適正成熟卵粒。
以平均體長12.9 cm、平均體重17.6 gm之魚體進行溫度忍受度試驗,初步結果顯示唇魚骨之飼養溫度範圍在14至27℃間。鹽度忍受度試驗,結果顯示唇魚骨的適存鹽度為 10 ppt以下。
在族群分析部分,台北縣新店溪、桃園縣大漢溪、新竹縣鳳山溪及頭前溪之粒線體DNA,進行D-loop、Cyto b及12sr-RNA等粒線體序列分析,定序結果顯示,在D-loop與12sr-RNA序列在新店溪與頭前溪二者相同,大漢溪與鳳山溪二者相同,而此二群落間在12RNA片段中有4個鹼基之差異,其中新店溪與頭前溪較大漢溪與鳳山溪的多3個鹼基。在D-Loop片段則有2鹼基對之差異。顯示頭前溪之族群來自新店溪,鳳山溪族群來自大漢溪。至於Cyto b部份,鳳山溪的DNA片段一直無法複製,目前正積極進行中。


In recent years, the conservation biology and environmental monitoring are paid attention to day by day. Biodiversity and conservation are becoming more important. Steed barbell, Hemibarbus labeo is an endemic native freashwater fish species in the river plains of northern Taiwan. The research since Nov. 2008 in nature water- Hsintien river,Tahan river, Fengshan river and Toucian river. Feb. 2009, the peak of GSI. valune is 7.28 ±1.92, the April, GSI value grops to 4.22±2.19, fish quantity reducegradually. At 2010, the GSI values of samples in Jan to Feb averaged only 1.2 – 1.4 %, in March while the average GSI. values rapidly decreased after 5.23% to 0.69%, showing that species of fish maturity bad in this year.
The synthetic LHRH-a, HCG. and Domperidone (DOM) were used to induce ovulation for Hemibarbus labeo. alone HCG or LHRH-a hormone were unable to ovulate, but mix DOM was to promote maturate and spawn. The spawn egg diameter is 2,1-2.2 mm, but the egg quality is to poor, can not hatch successfully.
The experiment aims at the establishment the limit of tolerance of temperature and salinity to the steed barbell, Hemibarbus labe. The average body length12.9 cm, mean weight17.6 gm of fish, the results showed the survival temperature range between 14 to 27℃, and the fitness salinity of less 10 ppt.
The small size, relatively rapid rate of evolutionary change and maternal haploid inheritance of Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) make it suitable for examining population and structure among closly related taxa. In the analysis part of the population, Hsintien river, Tahan river, Fengshan river and Toucian river, mitochondrial DNA of the 12s-rRNA gene and D-loop gene for H. labeo. are sequenced. The results show the population Toucian from Hsintien, Fengshan river population from the Tahan river.