

  • 日期:102-02-04
  • 計畫編號:101農科-11.2.2-水-A1(3)
  • 年度:2012
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:翁進興
  • 研究人員:翁進興、黃建智、陳秋月、賴繼昌、葉信明、吳春基、吳龍靜

本年度標本船作業3,608網次,每網次平均作業時間為1.77小時,CPUE為每網次32.41公斤。漁獲組成中,櫻花蝦占漁獲量之24.31%。燈籠魚科67.04%,其它混獲魚蝦類8.65%。以Fox model 推估今年之櫻花蝦最大持續漁獲量約1,000公噸。在3~5月,分別於40及60m水層進行夜間作業,60m水層中平均CPUE為29.7kg/h,櫻花蝦漁獲比率高達78%;而40m僅有8.5kg/h,櫻花蝦漁獲比率達23%。2011年11月至2012年5月漁期採集3,743尾雌蝦標本,成熟雌蝦比率為26.6% (996尾)。魚市場之卸貨量為1066.23公噸,產值為新台幣33,663萬元。漁場生產力指數平均較高之海域於枋寮至枋山海域。


This research included the analysis on the fishing condition based on the catch statistics collected from 13 sampling vessels and fish market during the period from November 2011 to May 2012. The total net haul 3,608, average fishing time was 1.77 hours with a CPUE of 32.41 kg per net haul. Fishery composition of sergestid shrimp (24.31%), myctophid fishes (67.04%), and the other fishes (8.65%). The fishery sergestid shrimp management by the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) to estimates it to catch reasonably 1000 metric tons using Fox nodel. The capture in the depth 60m, average CPUE of 29.7 kg per hour in the nigttime, in the depth 40m CPUE reduce to 8.5 kg per hour on the March to May in the 2012. The 3,743 females specimens, mature ample only 996 (26.6%). The landing of sergestid shrimp in the fish market was 1066.23 tons with a value of 33,663 ten thousand N.T. dollars. Productivity in the coastal area off Fan-Shan was higher than the coastal area off Tung-Kang.