

  • 日期:102-02-05
  • 計畫編號:101農科-11.3.1-水-A4(1)
  • 年度:2012
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:周昱翰
  • 研究人員:周昱翰、郭仁杰、林益州、葉信利

本實驗以LHRHa 及HCG對黑星銀(魚共)進行人工催熟誘導產卵試驗及文蛤養殖池混養黑星銀(魚共)、黑鯛及黃錫鯛,探討草食性魚類對文蛤養殖期間大型藻類的生物控制效果。種魚被荷爾蒙催熟的效果在繁殖季節初期的效果最好。進行7次人工繁殖試驗,共處理127尾雌魚,催熟成功(排卵)91尾,人工採卵受精成功66尾,共採得受精卵12155g,浮卵率在41.5~71.6%,孵化率6.1~23.1%,孵化仔魚數共414.8萬尾。各處理組在4月到11月上旬期間因水溫維持在21.5℃~32.5℃,池中草食性魚類攝食正常大型藻類受到良好的控制,因此4~11月份期間各處理組池中沒有大型藻類生長。


Study the artificial propagation and inducing spawning on the spotted scat by LHRHa and HCG treatment in the experiment and clam pond polycultured with Scatophagus argus, Acanthopagrus schlegelii and Rhabdosargus sarba to research the biological effects of herbivorous fish to control seaweed in clam ponds during the rearing period. Artificial propagation test were tested seven times, 127 females were processed, successful ripening (ovulation) were 91 females. The success of artificial fertilization were 66 females, Total amount of fertilized eggs was 12,155g, Buoyant egg rate were 41.5% to 71.6%, hatching rate were 6.1% to 48.4%. The experiment in the period from April to early November because the water temperature is maintained at from 21.5 ℃ to 32.5 ° C. The herbivorous fish would normal appetite to control seaweed in this temperature range, so no seaweed can grow in the pond from April to early November.