

  • 日期:103-10-01
  • 計畫編號:103農科-14.3.3-水-A1
  • 年度:2013
  • 主持人:蘇惠美
  • 研究人員:溫志宏、李彥宏、張銀戀、蘇昱彰、黃維能



To promote the new aquaculture industry of edible macroalgae Sarcodia
suieae, we will develop the integrated aquaculture of fish and red
macroalgae, and assay the bioactivities of the harvest algae, to enhance
the add-value of both products. We aim to find how to integrate the tank
algal and fish culture to improve the fish (edible and ornamental)
production, and harvest the macroalgae S. suieae for its bioactivity
assay. Compared with the widely-used red macroalgae, Gelidium and
Gracilaria, and well-known bioactivities, there are three advantages of
S. suieae: cultivatable, edible, and unknown bioactivities. There are no
previous studies or patents that explore the possible bioactivities of S.
suieae. Therefore, we will conduct bioactivity evaluations of ingredients
extracted from S. suieae. Firstly, we will use in vitro model to screen
e t h a n o l o r w a t e r e x t r a c t s o f S . s u i e a e b y a n t i - i n f l a m m a t o r y ,
cardiovascular protection, wound healing, and cosmetic assay. Secondly,
we will examine the possible in vitro bioactive effects of these potential extracts of S. suieae by using in vivo zebrafish or rat
models. Further, we will examine the possible effects of ingredients
extracted from S. suieae on a rat model for safety evaluation. We will
then analyze the composition of the bioactive extracts of S. suieae in
order to use one maximum ingredient as an indicator. Collectively, we
will establish the standard production protocol of bioactive ingredients
extracted from S. suieae.