
不同聲殖密度及投餵 Estradiol - 17 β 與否與歐洲鰻之成長及性腺發育之關係

  • 出版日期:86-06-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Relationship of Different Stocking Densities and Estradiol-17. β on the Growth and Gonadal Development of European Eel Anguilla anguilla
  • 作者:徐崇仁 , 周賢鏘 , 許慧文 , 廖一久
  • 卷別:5
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:21-29

養殖歐洲鰻使用雌二醇Estradiol - 17 β (E2) 等荷爾蒙之試驗研究,大都僅限於促進幼鰻成長的短期試驗


Most of the studies aimed at increasing the growth rate of the eels using hormone treatments were on juvenile eels. In this study, European eels with an average weight of 3.1 :t 1.1 g were stocked in a superintensive recirculating aquaculture system in 3 treatment groups, i. e. groups of high stocking density (22.5 kg / m2) with or without estradiol-17 β (60 mg / kg feed) and a low density (7.5 kg / m2) group.