

  • 出版日期:111-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    The Reproductive Biology of the Javelin Grunter (Pomadasys kaakan) in the Southwestern Waters of Taiwan
  • 作者:吳伊淑‧藍揚麒‧黃建智‧陳郁凱‧翁進興
  • 作者auther(英):Yi-Shu Wu, Yang-Chi Lan, Jian-Chih Huang, Yu-Kai Chen and Jinn-Shing Weng
  • 卷別:30
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:15-26

星雞魚 (Pomadasys kaakan) 為臺灣西南海域刺網及拖網漁業重要經濟魚種之一,然而相關基礎調查資料仍闕如,本研究目的即為建立其生殖生物學參數,俾利未來進行管理之用。本研究於2020年2月至2021年1月期間按月至將軍、梓官及枋寮採樣,共採集雌魚217尾,雄魚334尾,共計551尾樣本,性比為0.39,雌雄比例有顯著差異。雌魚尾叉長 (FL) 介於 195.7–650 mm,體重 (BW) 介於128–3720 g,體長與體重之關係式為BW = 9.0 × 10-5 FL2.69 (R² = 0.97, n = 217);雄魚FL介於169.9–591.0 mm、BW介於76–2265 g,體長與體重之關係式為BW = 8.0 × 10-5 FL2.71 (R² = 0.99, n = 334)。根據卵巢生殖腺外觀及生殖腺指數月別變動,同時參考卵巢組織切片及卵徑頻度測量等數據,推估星雞魚生殖期介於2–7月,高峰在3–4月。單次產卵數範圍為5,480–277,368粒,平均產卵數為56,646粒,卵徑介於0.14–1.41 mm。雌魚最小性成熟體長為333.0 mm,50% 性成熟體長為395.8 mm,3月份所採樣本中發現水卵,推估臺灣西南部附近海域位於其產卵場範圍內。


The javelin grunter (Pomadasys kaakan) is commercially important fish species for both gillnet and bottom trawl fisheries in the southwestern waters of Taiwan. However, background information on the biology of this species is scarce. The objective of this study was to examine the reproductive parameters for the stock assessment and management strategy of P. kaakan. Samples were collected from three fish markets in southwestern Taiwan between February 2020 and January 2021. A total of 551 individuals were sampled, which included 217 females and 334 males. The sex ratio (female percentage) was 0.39, and males were more abundant than females. The fork length (FL) for the females ranged from 195.7 to 650.0 mm, and the body weight (BW) ranged from 128 to 3720 g. The length-weight relationship was as follows: BW = 9.0 × 10-5 FL2.69 (R² = 0.97,n = 217). The FL for the males ranged from 169.9 to 591.0 mm, and the BW ranged from 76 to 2265 g. The length-weight relationship was as follows: BW = 8.0 × 10-5 FL2.71 (R² = 0.99,n = 334). According to the fluctuation of the gonadosomatic index and the histological observations, the greatest number of mature females was collected between February and July, with a peak from March to April. The batch fecundity ranged from 5,480 to 277,368 oocytes (an average of 56,646 oocytes). The estimated 50% length-at-maturity (Lm50) was 395.8 mm for the females. In March, specimens with translucent eggs were observed, which implied that the southwestern waters of Taiwan are the spawning grounds of P. kaakan