

  • 出版日期:111-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Association Analysis of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Red Skin Coloration in Penghu Leopard Coral Grouper (Plectropomus leopardus)
  • 作者:吳虹儀‧陳高松‧黃侑勖‧王敏儒‧謝恆毅‧蔡欣原
  • 作者auther(英):Hung-Yi Wu, Kao-Sung Chen, You-Syu Huang, Min-Rui Wang, Hernyi Justin Hsieh and Hsin-Yuan Tsai
  • 卷別:30
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:27-35

豹鱠 (Plectropomus leopardus) 分布於熱帶及亞熱帶地區的珊瑚礁海域,為亞洲地區重要經濟性石斑魚種之一,且艷紅體色個體價格高於灰色個體。隨著漁撈技術進步市場需求日益漸增,以致野生豹鱠漁業資源銳減。為了保育野生豹鱠族群,行政院農委會澎湖海洋生物研究中心已建立豹鱠完全養殖技術。然而,人工繁殖豹鱠體色常為灰褐色或淺粉紅色,無法取代捕捉野生豔紅體色豹鱠之需求,且目前對於豹鱠體色形成機制也尚未了解透徹。本研究於澎湖十處海域收集不同體色豹鱠相關資料達2,916筆,並萃取其遺傳物質DNA供後續實驗,結果顯示所捕獲之艷紅色豹鱠體長皆顯著大於灰褐與暗紅色個體,以基因體研究方法與線性混合模型分析具潛力之三個單點核苷酸變異位點,其中代號SNP_87_4與多個魚體部位體色表現變異在統計上具有顯著差異。綜合上述結果,本研究希冀能提供養殖業篩選出豔紅體色豹鱠之種魚,滿足市場需求緩解野生豹鱠捕撈壓力,協助產業發展並維護生態平衡達到資源永續經營之雙贏目標。


The leopard coral grouper (Plectropomus leopardus) is one of the most economically important species of grouper in Asia, particularly the wide-type individuals with a bright red color that are typically found in tropical and subtropical coral reef habitats. Improvements in fishing technology and increasing market demand have resulted in a rapid decline in the population of wild-type leopard coral groupers. To maintain this population of groupers, an artificial propagation technique has been successfully developed by the Fisheries Research Institute. However, the skin of these fish often lacks the bright red coloration, which does not meet the needs of the market enough to alleviate overfishing. The mechanisms underlying the coloration of the leopard coral grouper remain unknown. This study collected 2,916 related data from wild-type leopard coral groupers with different skin colors across ten Penghu sea areas, and their deposited their genomic DNA for further examination. The data showed that the body length of the bright red individuals was significantly larger than that of the brown and red-brown individuals. Contemporary genomics methods and linear mixed model analysis were utilized, and the results showed three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with color-associated quantitative trait loci (QTLs). SNP_87_4 was significantly associated with the coloration of multiple body positions in leopard coral groupers. In conclusion, this study may help select the redness color leopard coral grouper for brood stock, and consequently to satisfy market demand for bright red individuals. Thus, overfishing of the wide-type individuals would decrease, and a balance between fishing and conservation would be maintained.