
水產病原弧菌之拮抗菌–Bacillus pumilus D5 抗菌物質之探討

  • 出版日期:111-12-31
  • 標題title(英):
    Examining the Antibacterial Substances of Bacillus pumilus D5 in Relation to Aquatic Pathogenic Vibrio spp.
  • 作者:黃美瑩•朱惠真•廖哲宏•曾福生•林泓廷
  • 作者auther(英):Mei-Ying Huang, Huei-Jen Ju, Che-Hung Liao, Fu-Sheng Tseng and Hung-Ting Lin
  • 卷別:30
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:15-29

Bacillus pumilus D5 為多種水產病原弧菌之強力拮抗菌,本研究藉由其全基因體基因資料的深度挖掘,預測 B. pumilus D5 可產生的抗菌物質,再由高效液相層析 (high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC) 及串聯式質譜儀 (MS/MS) 分析 B. pumilus D5 上清液中的抗菌物質,並以標準品進行抗菌物質之抗菌試驗。結果顯示,將菌株 B. pumilus D5 之全基因體資料與抗菌物質生合成途徑資料庫進行交叉分析,共預測得到 B. pumilus D5 含有與 3 種抗菌物質生合成途徑的基因群高度吻合,分別是 kanosaminebacilysin 及 toxoflavin。藉由高效液相層析及串聯式質譜儀分析 B. pumilus D5 上清液顯示,B. pumilus D5 上清液中存在 kanosamine、bacilysin 及 toxoflavin 抗菌物質。將樣品層析之波峰所得的面積帶入 kanosamine 及 toxoflavin 製得之標準曲線,B. pumilus D5 上清液中 kanosamine 及 toxoflavin 的濃度分別為 2,800.00 及 1.23 ng/ml。由於市面上無法購得 bacilysin 標準品,暫無法估算樣品中 bacilysin 之濃度。標準品 kanosamine 及 toxoflavin 抗菌試驗結果顯示,25.0–100.0 µg/mL 的 toxoflavin 就會抑制霍亂弧菌 (Vibrio cholerae)、哈維氏弧菌 (V. harveyi) 及創傷弧菌 (V. vulnificus);500.0 µg/mL 的 toxoflavin 會抑制無乳鏈球菌 (Streptococcus agalactiae ) 及瓶鼻海豚鏈球菌 (S. iniae)。而 kanosamine 在高達 5,000.0 µg/mL時,對所有上述測試菌株均無抑制作用;因此推測 B. pumilus D5 所產的 toxoflavin 是造成該菌具有抵抗多種水產病原弧菌及鏈球菌之主要抗菌成分之一。


A potent antagonistic bacterium for many aquatic pathogens, including Vibrio species, is Bacillus pumilus D5. A thorough analysis of the genetic information contained in B. pumilus D5's entire genome led to the discovery of genes involved in the production of antibacterial compounds. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and tandem mass spectrometer (MS/MS) were used to analyze the antibacterial compounds in the supernatant of cultured B. pumilus D5, and an antibacterial test was conducted using the corresponding purified reference materials. B. pumilus D5 has genes that are highly consistent with the three biosynthetic pathways of antibacterial substances, including kanosamine, bacilysin, and toxoflavin, according to a cross-analysis of the whole genome data of the strain with the biosynthetic pathway database of antibacterial substances. The culture supernatant of B. pumilus D5 contained kanosamine, bacilysin, and toxoflavin, according to HPLC and MS/MS analysis. By comparing the peak area of the sample in chromatography with the standard curve created by standard kanosamine and toxoflavin, the concentration of kanosamine (2,800.00 ng/ml) and toxoflavin (1.23 ng/ml) in the culture supernatant was determined, while the content of bacilysin was undetermined because the standard sample for this substance is not available on the market. The antibacterial tests were conducted using the standard kanosamine and toxoflavin and results revealed that toxoflavin can inhibit the growth of Vibrio cholerae, V. harveyi, and V. vulnificus at dose between 25.0-100.0 µg/mL, while 500.0 µg/mL toxoflavin can inhibit the growth of Streptococcus agalactiae and Streptococcus iniae; however, kanosamine has no inhibitory effect on all tested strains up to 5,000.0 µg/mL. Therefore, it is hypothesized that one of the primary antibacterial elements responsible for B. pumilus D5's ability to resist a variety of aquatic pathogens, such as Vibrio spp. and Streptococcus spp., is the toxoflavin it produces.