

  • 出版日期:111-12-31
  • 標題title(英):
    Environmental and Benthic Fauna Effects of Solar Panel Installation on Meretrix taiwanica Aquaculture
  • 作者:黃元照‧黃大駿‧黃宇璇‧陳高松
  • 作者auther(英):Yuan-Chao Angelo Huang, Da-Ji Huang, Yu-Xuan Huang and Kao-Sung Chen
  • 卷別:30
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:41-53

近年來,政府啟動國家能源轉型,積極發展潔淨能源,並推動結合太陽能光電及水產養殖的「漁電共生」計畫,但因為光電板遮蔽率可能會直接影響到養殖環境及臺灣文蛤 (Meretrix taiwanica) 產量,因此本研究在行政院農業委員會水產試驗所海水繁殖養殖研究中心臺西試驗場進行文蛤養殖的三種遮蔽率 (0%、40%及70%) 實驗,並於養殖前期 (2020.05–10) 及養殖後期 (2021.01–06) 分別採集水質、底質及底棲動物進行養殖環境品質狀態評估,以探討對文蛤養殖最適合的光電板遮蔽率。結果指出,遮蔽率與水體的生化需氧量、葉綠素a、氨氮及硝酸鹽濃度呈現負相關趨勢,但在養殖前期與底質有機質含量呈現正相關趨勢。遮蔽率0%與40%兩組的底棲動物群聚結構相似度較高,而40%組有相對較高的物種歧異度和豐富度。此外,遮蔽率0%及40%組別,其環境健康指標生物 (腺帶刺沙蠶, Neanthes glandicincta) 數量明顯多於70%組。遮蔽率達到40%後,水質開始出現明顯變化,尤其70%組的變動最為明顯。養殖前期遮蔽率70%組的底質累積最多的有機質。不同遮蔽率所造成的養殖環境差異,影響到底棲無脊椎動物群聚結構及多樣性。整體而言,環境資料及指標生物結果皆說明遮蔽率0%及40%的組別仍可維持文蛤健康養殖環境,亦符合政府太陽能板遮蔽率規範。


This research investigated the effect of solar panel installation on the water quality, sediment, and benthic macroinvertebrates of clam culture ponds. The ponds were located at the Taixi Fisheries Research Institute's Mariculture Research Center. The period of cultivation lasted from May 2020 to June 2021. In this study, Meretrix taiwanica was cultured at three different shading rates: 0%, 40%, and 70%. During the initial culture period, the shading rates were negatively correlated with biochemical oxygen demand, chlorophyll-a, ammonia, and nitrate concentrations in water, but positively correlated with organic matter concentrations in sediment. The 40% shading rates had relatively higher species abundance and biodiversity indices, but the community structures were comparable to those of the 0% shading rates. In addition, ponds with shading rates between 0 and 40 percent were deemed relatively healthy due to the presence of numerous polychaeta Neanthes glandicincta. as an indicator species. The recommended shading rates for solar panels in hard clam ponds were therefore 0% and 40%.