
模里西斯鞭腕蝦 (Lysmata debelius Bruce, 1983) 的人工繁殖

  • 出版日期:111-12-31
  • 標題title(英):
    Artificial Propagation of Fire Shrimp (Lysmata debelius Bruce, 1983)
  • 作者:吳玉霞‧湯慕婷‧城振誠‧謝恆毅
  • 作者auther(英):Yu-Hsia Wu, Mu-Ting Tang, Chen-Cheng Cheng and Hernyi Justin Hsieh
  • 卷別:30
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:55-61

為建立模里西斯鞭腕蝦 (Lysmata debelius Bruce, 1983) 人工繁殖技術,本試驗探討初期蝦苗 (蚤狀幼體第一期至第四期) 在不同餌料密度、餵食時機、溫度及鹽度對成長及活存的影響,並延續餌料密度試驗探討對蝦苗變態的影響。初期蝦苗的餌料密度以豐年蝦無節幼蟲2隻/ml對孵化後7天的蝦苗有最佳活存率,餌料密度低於1隻/ml成長顯著低於其他組別 (p < 0.05);延遲2天以後投餌不利蝦苗活存率及成長。溫度方面,蝦苗在24、27及30°C的水溫環境下活存率均佳,其三者間無統計上的差異,而成長則以30℃最佳。鹽度方面,蝦苗在24–39 psu的鹽度下其活存率及成長優於其他組別,此四組間無統計上的差異,但以34 psu表現最好。綜合以上,本研究顯示模里西斯鞭腕蝦蝦苗培育在27–30℃,鹽度24–39 psu,孵化後1天內餵食1–2隻/ml豐年蝦,可以在孵化後62–122天發現變態為底棲性的後期蝦苗。


The objective of this study was to develop techniques for artificially propagating fire shrimp (Lysmata debelius Bruce, 1983). The effects of feeding concentration, feeding strategy, temperature, and salinity on growth and survival were examined. The larvae feeding on Artemia salina nauplii at a density of 2 individuals/ml had the highest survival rate, while the larvae feeding on less than 1 individual/ml of nauplii grew significantly slower than the other groups (p < 0.05). Two-day delays in feeding were detrimental to the survival rate and growth. The survival rate improved as the water temperature rose to 24°C, 27°C, and 30°C . There was no significant difference between the three temperatures, and growth was greatest at 30°C. Survival and growth rates were better in the 24-39 psu salinity group than in the other groups, and there was no significant difference between the four groups. Overall, survival rate and growth would be improved at 27-30°C, 24-39 psu, and 1-2 individuals/ml A. salina nauplii feeding. In addition, postlarval development occurred between 62 and 122 dph (days post hatch).