

  • 出版日期:112-12-31
  • 標題title(英):
    The Hydrological Characteristics of Oriental Bonito (Sarda orientalis) Eggs Distribution in the Bay of Yilan
  • 作者:陳瑞谷‧黃鼎傑
  • 作者auther(英): Ruei-Gu Chen and Ting-Chieh Huang
  • 卷別:31
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:1-13

東方齒鰆 (Sarda orientalis) 在每年冬春季會洄游至宜蘭灣產卵,此時期肉質肥美深受消費者喜愛,目前對其早期生活史了解不多。東方齒鰆魚卵為浮性分離球形 (直徑約1.3 mm),是臺灣目前已知大洋洄游經濟魚種唯一具有多油球特徵者。2022年3月在臺灣東北海域宜蘭灣產卵場38個測站中,有16個站捕獲到東方齒鰆魚卵,計118個,以南澳灣外豐度最高。發現最適合解釋東方齒鰆魚卵出現與否的水文特性,為水深4 m鹽度高於 34.2 psu,與水深10 m處葉綠素甲濃度低於1 μg/L海域,研究同時發現仔稚魚豐度與浮游動物豐度相當吻合。本研究為臺灣首次提出東方齒鰆產卵場分布與水文環境相關性,期望能有助於東方齒鰆資源經營管理與永續利用。


Oriental bonito (Sarda orientalis) migrate to the the bay of Yilan to spawn from winter to spring every year. During the spawning season, S. orientalis are more delectable as they are plumper. However, little is known about its early life. Each S. orientalis egg is a sphere with a diameter of approximately 1.3 mm, exhibiting pelagic and isolated characteristics. It is the only economically significant pelagic fish species in Taiwan whose eggs are enriched with oil globules. In this study, 118 eggs were collected from the key spawning area (the bay of Yilan) off northeastern Taiwan during March 2022. Of the 38 sampling stations, 16 had S. orientalis eggs, and the highest density of eggs was recorded in the waters off Nan’ao. We report that the presence or absence of S. orientalis eggs is closely linked to a combination of waters 4 m deep with mean salinity larger than 34.2 psu and waters 10 m deep with mean chlorophyll-a concentration of less than 1 µg/L. The relationships between the ichthyoplankton and the zooplankton abundance observed in our research exhibit a positive pattern. Our findings provide the first report on the response of S. orientalis eggs distribution to the specific hydrological variables in Taiwan, offering insights for future stock management and sustainability of S. orientalis.