

  • 出版日期:112-12-31
  • 標題title(英):
    Effects of Temperature and Illumination Conditions on the Growth of Tetrasporophyte of Asparagopsis taxiformis
  • 作者:許自研‧陳陽德‧張軒銘‧蘇義哲‧吳豐成
  • 作者auther(英):Asparagopsis taxiformis Zi-Yan Xu, Yang-De Chen, Hsuan-Ming Chang, Yi-Che Su and Feng-Cheng Wu
  • 卷別:31
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:37-44

我國屏東海域產有紅藻類之海門冬 (Asparagopsis taxiformis),該藻近年被發現可有效減緩反芻動物排放甲烷,惟其商業養殖技術尚未確立,目前仍以採集野生藻體進行應用為主,但因受季節影響,產量及品質均不穩定。本研究自屏東琉球海域採集海門冬四分孢子體階段之藻體進行培養,探討其最適水溫與光照條件。結果顯示,水溫方面,以24–30℃ 藻體生長顯著優於15–21℃,高溫組內雖無顯著差異,但以24℃ 為最佳;光照強度則以5,000–10,000 lux顯著優於2,500 lux,強光組內無顯著差異;光照波長培養結果以全波長 (白光) 生長顯著優於紅、藍、綠光;而光照週期各組之間則沒有顯著差異。另為進一步了解臺灣週邊海域採集之海門冬種類,分別自屏東縣恆春鎮、琉球鄉及臺東縣成功鎮採集海門冬藻體,經分子生物學鑑定結果證實皆為A. taxiformis。未來將持續探討鹽度、營養鹽配方對該藻培養之影響,進而確立海門冬繁養殖技術,以供學術及產業各界參考應用。


A red algae species called Asparagopsis taxiformis inhibit the waters of Taiwan's Pingtung. In recent years, the species has been discovered to effectively mitigate methane emissions from ruminant animals, but a commercial cultivation technique has yet been established. Currently, the main method of acquiring A. taxiformis is through the collection of wild algae, resulting in unstable production and quality due to seasonal variations. This study investigated the cultivation conditions and found that the algae's growth was significantly better at water temperatures of 24-30℃ compared to 15-21℃. No significant differences were observed within the higher temperature range, but 24℃ was the optimal temperature. In terms of light intensity, the cultivation results showed a significant improvement at 5,000-10,000 lux compared to 2,500 lux, and no significant differences were observed within the high intensity group. Regarding light wavelengths, full spectrum (white light) showed significant superiority in growth compared to red, blue, and green light. No significant differences were observed among the different photoperiods. Furthermore, molecular biology identification confirmed that the A. taxiformis collected from Hengchun Township and Liuqiu Township in Pingtung County as well as Chenggong Township in Taitung County were all of the same species. Going forward, further investigation on the effects of salinity and nutrient formulations on the cultivation of this algae could establish cultivation techniques for A. taxiformis, providing valuable references for academia and various industries.