

  • 出版日期:82-06-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Preliminary Study on the Resources of Kuruma Prawn in the Coastal Waters of Penghu
  • 作者:蔡萬生, 鐘金水, 陳春暉, 林美
  • 作者auther(英):Tsai, W. S., C. S. Chung, C. H. Chen and S. M. Lin
  • 卷別:1
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:19-25

為瞭解澎湖沿、近海域拖網漁獲中斑節蝦的資源量,以為日後大量放流時做效益評 估之參考,從1989年2月至1990年11月委託標本船就漁場位置、底質、水深、漁獲量、 體長、作業時間等填具資料彙整,並進行分析。結果顯示單位努力漁獲量於全年中以2 月份有較高值,平均介於3.18~3.23 kg/h,其他月份平均介於1.0~2.0 kg/h間; 漁 場分佈隨季節而異,主要範圍在西嶼西方及吉貝燈塔西北方40浬及鎖港東南方30浬內 附近之海域;月平均頭胸甲長與體重範圍,雌蝦均大於雄蝦,雌蝦為53.77~64.21 mm 與70.0~126.4 g,而雄蝦為44.2~51.35 mm與50.43~70.72 g;性比為0.5346,即雌 蝦多於雄蝦。體長在131~170 mm間概為雄蝦,181 mm以上者雌蝦之比例隨體長之增加 而遞增,大於251 mm以上者則概為雌蝦;食性以小管及小魚所佔比率較高。


To understand the biomass distribution of Kuruma prawn resource caught by bottom trawl net in the coasts and nearshores of Penghu, a study was conducted from February 1989 to November 1990. Gathered were fishery products, body length measurement of shrimps and fishing operating information from sampled fishing boats. The analysis shown that mean CPUE in February was 3.18 - 3.23 kg/h, while in the other months was 1.0 - 2.0 kg/h; Distribution of fishing grounds varied as seasons changed. The major fishing grounds were in the westward part of Hsiyu, 40 miles northwest of Jibei and about 30 miles southeast of Sougang; The average length of the cephalothorax and body weight of the female were greater than the male which was 53.77 - 64.21 mm, 70.0 - 126.4 g for female and 44.2 - 51.35 mm, 50.43 - 70.72 g in male; Shrimps with body length between 131- 170 mm were all male, with the ratio of female shrimp increasing with increasing body length, i.e., 181 - 250 mm. Shrimps with body length greater than 251 mm were all female; The major shrimp food were cephalopodas and small fishes.