

  • 出版日期:82-06-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Comparative Study on the Growth and Gonadal Development of Diploid and Triploid Tilapia, Oreochromis aureus
  • 作者:張賜玲, 張正芳, 廖一久
  • 作者auther(英):Chang S. L., C. F. Chang and I C. Liao
  • 卷別:1
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:43-49

以熱擊誘發之三倍體及二倍體歐利亞吳郭魚,飼育在室外池之吊網中進行成長比較 試驗結果,24週齡的二倍體及三倍體者間之成長沒有明顯的差別(P>0.05)。三倍體之生 殖突起沒有明顯的發育,不過,其生殖腺指數則明顯的比二倍體者小(P<0.01),三倍體 的精巢組織中之精子呈現大小不一的現象,而24週齡的二倍體魚之卵細胞已經有明顯的 卵黃堆積現象,相反的,絕大部份的三倍體之卵細胞仍停留在卵原細胞期。


Heat shock-induced triploid and diploid Oreochromis aureus were reared in hapas (2×1.2×0.9 m). Their growth rates were not significantly different (P>0.05) at 24 weeks old after hatching. The genital papillae of triploid fish did not show significant development in comparison with diploid fish. The gonadosomatic indices of female triploid fish were significantly smaller (P<0.01) than those of diploid fish. Non-uniform sizes of sperms were observed histologically in triploid fish. Well-accumulated yolk was pronounced in the oocytes of 24-week old diploid fish. On the other hand, most of the oocytes in triploid fish were oogonia.