

  • 出版日期:82-06-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Optimization on the Processing Conditions and Quality Change of Seasoned Softened-Bone Milkfish during Storage at 5℃ and -20℃
  • 作者:彭昌洋, 蘇素月, 蘇偉成
  • 作者auther(英):Perng, C. Y., S. Y. Su and W. C. Su
  • 卷別:1
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:61-68

當歸、味噌等兩種調味酥骨虱目魚係將生鮮虱目魚經過前處理、醃漬、蒸煮及烘乾 後製成,而以醃料在 5℃中醃漬過夜所製得的成品風味較佳;為了要達到全魚骨刺酥化 的目的,必須在 125℃加熱50分鐘以上;蒸煮後再經過熱風乾燥(65± 1℃,60 min), 製品的外觀較佳。比較製品和原料的品質,總生菌數由原料含有5.30×107 CFU/g減少 為5.90×101 CFU/g (當歸酥骨虱目魚) 和1.96×102 CFU/g (味噌酥骨虱目魚),製品 的大腸菌群為陰性。
經過真空包裝之成品於 5℃及-20℃下六個月的貯藏中,總生菌數、pH值、酸價、 過氧化物價及色澤等指標,均無顯著的變化;綜合測定的結果,顯示該產品在 5℃或 -20℃下六個月的貯藏中品質相當安定。


Tan-Kuei and Wei-Tseng seasoned softened-bone milkfish products were prepared by removing the head and viscera, soaking in seasoning, retorting, and drying. The optimal conditions were: soaking at 5℃ overnight, retorting at 125℃ for 50 min and drying at 65℃ for 60 min. The aerobic plate count (APC) of fresh fish, Tan-Kuei and Wei-Tseng seasoned products were 5.30× 107, 5.90×101, and 1.96×102 CFU/g, respectively. The coliform test of all products had negative results. During six months storage at 5℃ and -20℃, no significant changes in APC, pH, acid value, peroxide value and color of the vacuum-packed products were observed. These data suggested that the vacuum-packed and seasoned softened-bone milkfish developed in the study was stable when refrigerated and frozen.