

  • 出版日期:83-06-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Release and Recovery of Japanese Eel, Anguilla Japonica, in Taiwan
  • 作者:廖一久 郭慶老 余廷基 曾萬年
  • 作者auther(英):Liao, I. C., C. L. Kuo, T. C. Yu and W. N. Tzeng
  • 卷別:2
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:1-6

日本鰻為台灣最重要的養殖對象之一。養殖所需的鰻苗均於冬季在河口溯河時捕撈 ,但由於產量不穩定,每年均須由國外進口大量鰻苗,以供業者所需。為增加鰻苗天然 產量,本所自 1976 年起即實施種鰻之催熟與放流工作,而且自 1987 年起,在放流鰻 體上植附標識,以研究其洄游路程、成長及其相關之生態特性。本文即敘述賀爾蒙之催 熟過程、標識、放流技術以及回收等狀況。


Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, is one of the most important species of fish culture in Taiwan. Elvers for the culture are collected from estuaries during their upstream migration in winter. Due to their unpredictable supply, the elvers were frequently imported from foreign countries to meet the demand. To increase the natural production of the elvers, hormone-induced maturation eels have been released by the Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute since 1976, and the eels released have been tagged since 1987 to study their migration route, growth and other biological characteristics. This paper describes the hormone-induced maturation processes, tagging techniques, and recovery status of the eel.