

  • 出版日期:83-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    A Study on Microflora Found in Grass Prawn Culture Tanks at Different Salinities in a Circulating System
  • 作者:黃美瑩 , 廖一久
  • 作者auther(英):Huang, M. Y. and I C. Liao
  • 卷別:2
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:31-40

本研究在探討草蝦 (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) 幼蝦及中蝦於循環水系統下, 不同鹽度及不同飼養期間,其飼育水中之菌相變化。研究結果顯示,草蝦未飼養前,鹽 度為10及20 ppt 之飼育水中之最優勢菌屬為Moraxella及Pseudomonas,30 ppt者為 Vibrio, 40 ppt 者以Pseudomonas最佔優勢,次為Moraxella及Vibrio,而50 ppt者則 以Pseudomonas為首,Moraxella次之。當草蝦幼蝦飼養至第2天時,鹽度10、20 及30 ppt 的飼育水中,最佔優勢之菌屬為Vibrio, 次為Pseudomonas,而40 及50 ppt者,則 以Pseudomonas最佔優勢,其次為Vibrio。隨著飼養時間的拉長,各菌屬之間的消長不 一。幼蝦飼養至第20天時,鹽度為10 、20 、30 、40 及50 ppt 之飼育水中,最佔優 勢的菌屬分別為Moraxella、Vibrio、Vibrio、Acinetobacter及Pseudomonas。至第50 天時,鹽度10 ppt之飼育水中以Vibrio最佔優勢,次為Pseudomonas,20 ppt者則以 Aeromonas為主,30 ppt者之優勢菌為Flavobacterium,40 ppt以Vibrio最佔優勢, Flavobacterium則為50 ppt飼育水中之優勢菌。而草蝦中蝦飼養至第2 天,各鹽度飼育 水中均以Flavobacterium所佔比例最高。飼養至第20天時,鹽度10、20及30 ppt的飼育 水中仍以Flavobacterium最佔優勢,而40及50 ppt 者則被Vibrio取代。當飼養至第50 天時,各鹽度飼育水中的主要菌屬稍有差異,鹽度為10和20 ppt者,Aeromonas取代 Flavobacterium成為優勢菌,30 ppt者以Alcaligenes所佔比例最高,40 ppt者則以 Vibrio最佔優勢。Vibrio及Pseudomonas則為鹽度50 ppt者之優勢菌。


Microflora in tank waters of prawn culture at salinity 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50ppt were investigated. Two groups of grass prawn: larvae and middle size of prawn were kept in a tank at different salinity. Water samples were collected before introduction of the prawn, and after introduction in 2, 20, and 50 days. Before the larvae were transferred, Moraxella and Pseudomonas predominated in salinity 10 and 20ppt, Vibrio in 30ppt, Pseudomonas in 40ppt, and Pseudomonas and Moraxella in 50ppt. After larvae introduced in two days later, Vibrio and Pseudomonas predominated in salinity 10, 20, and 30ppt; but Pseudomoas and Vibrio in 40 and 50ppt. The predominant genera became Moraxella in 10ppt, Vibrio in 20 and 30ppt, Acinetobacter in 40ppt, and Pseudomonas in 50ppt after 20 days. However, the variation changed after 50 days of larvae introduction. Vibrio and Pseudomonas became dominant in 10ppt. The predominant genera were Aeromonas, Flavobacterium, Vibrio, and Flavobacterium in salinity 20, 30, 40, and 50ppt, respectively.The microflora found in tanks holding middle size of grass prawn was relatively stable at the beginning. The predominant genus was Flavobacterium in salinity 10, 20 and 30ppt for the first 20 days when the prawns were transferred. However, Flavobacterium was replaced by Vibrio in 40 and 50ppt in 20 days. After 50 days, the microflora were different. The predominant genera were Aeromonas in 10 and 20ppt, Alcaligenes in 30ppt, Vibrio in 40ppt, and Vibrio and Pseudomonas in 50ppt.