

  • 出版日期:83-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Effect of Lipid in Diet on the Growth Rate and Fatty Acid Composition of Body Oil of Black Porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegeli
  • 作者:葉蕙玲, 林志洋, 薛超旭, 王文政
  • 作者auther(英):Yeh, H. L., C. Y. Lin., C. H. Hsueh and W. C. Wang
  • 卷別:2
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:79-87

本試驗以不同種類,相同比例之油脂配製成五組飼料,進行黑鯛飼育試驗,以比較 其對黑鯛成長及體脂質脂肪酸組成之影響,及了解黑鯛對高度不飽和脂肪酸之需求及飼 料油對其體組成及成長之關係。經八週之飼育,飼料中含鯖魚內臟油試驗組,以每二週 之成長率11.21% 為最佳;大豆油、一般魚油、EPA 油混合大豆油及鯖內臟油混合大豆 油則分別為10.70、10.35、10.55,及9.18%。蛋白效率比及飼料效率亦以含鯖魚內臟油 組之 1.34 及2.06 為佳。由脂肪酸組成之變化得知黑鯛對 C 20:5 及 C 22:6 等高度 不飽和脂肪酸之利用率較 C18:2 等為高。經測定魚體與飼料脂質脂肪酸組成結果,發 現魚體脂質脂肪酸組成明顯地受攝食飼料之脂質脂肪酸的影響。魚類攝食高度不飽和脂 肪酸含量較高之油脂,其體內脂質之高度不飽脂肪酸含量,顯然較攝食高度不飽和脂肪 酸含量較低之油脂者為高。


To investigate the effects of lipid on the growth of black porgy (Acanthopagrus schlegeli), five types of lipid were added into formulated diet. After eight weeks feeding trial, the average growth rate of black porgy fed every two weeks with diet containing mackerel viscera oil was 11.21%. Growth rates of fish fed diets containing soybean oil, mixed fish oil, EPA concentrated oil mixed with soybean oil, and mackerel viscera oil mixed with soybean oil were 10.70, 10.35, 10.55 and 9.18%, respectively. The protein efficiency ratio and the feed conversion rate of the diet containing mackerel viscera oil were 1.34 and 2.06, respectively, which were better than those diets containing other types of lipid. The study suggested that black porgy had higher utilization of C 20:5 and C 22:6 than C 18:2 for the highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA). Also, the higher the level of HUFA in diet, the higher the level of HUFA would be in the lipid of fish body.