
Schizophyllum commune萃取之多醣類 Beta-1,3-glucan 與多聚磷酸態維生素C(Polyphosphorylated L-ascorbic Acid) 對強化草蝦抵抗弧菌與受傷組織復原能力之研究

  • 出版日期:85-06-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Vibriosis Resistance and Wound Healing Enhancement of Penaeus monodon by Beta-1,3-glucan from Schizophyllum commune and Polyphosphorylated L-ascorbic Acid
  • 作者:張正芳, 蘇茂森, 陳宏遠, 廖一久
  • 作者auther(英):Chang, C. F., M. S. Su, H. Y. Chen and I C. Liao
  • 卷別:4
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:43-54

本研究針對多醣類 (Beta-1,3-glucan from Schizophyllum commune, VST) 與多聚磷酸態維生素C (Polyphosphorylated L-ascorbic acid, PAA),以個別或混合方式添加於草蝦飼料中,對強化草蝦抵抗弧菌與受傷組織之復原能力的影響加以探討。含PAA 0, 0.2,1.0 g/kg diet與PAA 0.2 g/kg+VST 2.0 g/kg diet及VST 2.0 g/kg diet等五種人工飼料,餵飼體重8.2±1.5 g之草蝦30天。第10與20天時,每組各取35尾,以Vibrio damsela進行感染試驗;第30天,每組各取24尾進行割傷試驗,結果顯示,第10天時,只有添加VST之兩組,在試驗結束時之平均活存率分別為25.0與27.38%,有較顯著之抗菌力(P<0.0001)。第20天時,以添加 VST 2.0 g/kg diet+PAA 0.2 g/kg diet 組之活存率 60.0% 為最高(P<0.001)。草蝦割傷組織之復原能力,以添加PAA 1.0 g/kg diet組為最快,而VST對草蝦受傷後之組織復原能力幫助不大。


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the combined effectiveness of beta-1,3-glucan derived from Schizophyllum commune (VST) and polyphosphorylatedL-ascorbic acid (PAA) in enhancing the vibriosis resistance and wound healing in Penaeus monodon. Five groups of Penaeus monodon (8.2(1.5 g) were fed purifieddiets for 30 days, each containing 0, 0.2, 1.0 g/kg PAA diet, 0.2 g/kg PAA+2.0g/kg VST diet and VST 2.0 g/kg diet, respectively. Thirty-five individuals fromeach dietary group were challenged by injection with Vibrio damsela at the 10thday and 20th. At the 30th day, a small surgical incision were made in thelateral of the second abdominal segment muscle. The results showed that thevibriosis resistance was enhanced in the two VST groups at the 10th day(survival rate was about 25 %) and the PAA(VST group at the 20th day (survivalrate was 60%). The prawns fed diet containing PAA 1.0 g/kg diet showedenhancement in wound healing, but not the other dietary groups.