

  • 出版日期:87-06-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Effect of Surimi additives, formation methods, and catch methods of mackerel on the acceptability of restructured mackerel steak.
  • 作者:彭昌洋, 蘇素月, 潘惠婉
  • 作者auther(英):Peng, C. Y., S. Y. Su and H. W. Pan
  • 卷別:6
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:79-85

將蒸熟之鯖魚肉混合冷凍鱈魚漿加工成重組魚排,冷凍鱈魚漿做為粘著劑,添加量為30 - 70 % 時,製品的接受性無顯著差異 (P>0.05)。若要製品保有魚肉纖維口感,則魚漿添加量不宜超過60%。比較六種添加物之影響,分別加入2 - 8 % 低筋麵粉、2 - 8% 沙拉油、0 - 20%蒜頭、0 - 3% 黑胡椒、0 – 30 % 綜合蔬菜、及0 – 30% 培根 (Bacon),除了黑胡椒添加量超過2% 會顯著降低製品之接受性外 (P<0.05),其餘均無顯著影響。成型方式以使用非可食性腸衣充填或裹漿裹麵包屑優於以可食性腸衣充填者。不論使用延繩釣獲或者以大型圍網捕獲之鯖魚做為原料,對製品接受性無顯著影響。


Restructured mackerel steak (RMS) was prepared by steam-cooked mackerel minces and frozen pollack surimi. The frozen pollack surimi was used as a binder. When mixing 30-70% surimi into the steam-cooked mackerel minces, the panel acceptability of RMS were not significantly different (P>0.05). When surimi was added above 60%, the RMS would lose the muscle fiber texture. The effects of six additives on the acceptability of RMS were also investigated. When 2-8% low protein flour, 2-8% salad oil, 0-20% garlic, 0-30% vegetable mixture or 0-30% bacon were mixed into RMS respectively, no significant difference in acceptability was found among RMS. However, over 2% black pepper being mixed in RMS, the acceptability was significantly decreased (P<0.05). In addition, the different formation methods of RMS were compared, and the results showed that the methods using krehalon film or battered and breaded were better than that of collagen film. Moreover, no significant difference was found between the products prepared using raw mackerel caught by long line and purse seine.
Key words: Mackerel, Restructured steak, Panel acceptability