

  • 出版日期:88-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Effect of ammonia exposure on blood components in freshwater and seawater tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus
  • 作者:許晉榮, 張惠芬, 丁雲源
  • 作者auther(英): Hseu, J. R., H. F. Chang and Y. Y. Ting
  • 卷別:7
  • 期別:1&2
  • 頁碼:65-71

氨在水中有兩種型式,一是離子態的氨離子,另一則是非離子態的氨分子,對魚類而言,非離子態氨分子的毒性遠比離子態的氨離子強。兩者在水中的比例受許多環境因子的影響,一般來說,非離子態氨分子在高pH值、高溫及低鹽度下會有較高的比例。本實驗旨在調查淡、海水吳郭魚處在相同濃度的總氨氮 (30 mg/l)下一天,血液學指數是否有所差異,依公式推算,淡、海水中的非離子態氨濃度分別為1.58及3.73 mg/l。結果顯示淡、海水吳郭魚處於此一亞致死濃度下,雖然非離子態氨濃度相差近兩倍,但各項生理指標的變化情形卻相當類似,不論在淡水或海水中,起始組、對照組及氨組間的血容積比、血漿氯離子及總蛋白質都沒有顯著差異。唯一有顯著差異者是血糖,在淡、海水中,氨組值都明顯高於起始組與對照組。


Ammonia exists in water in equilibrium between the ionized (NH4+) and ionized (NH3) forms, and the toxicity to fish is mainly from the latter. The relative concentration of NH3 in water is strongly influenced by several environmental factors. Generally, the proportion of NH3 increases with increased pH value and temperature, whereas it decreased with increased salinity. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of short-term (24 hours) exposure of a sublethal total ammonia-N concentration (30 mg/l) on blood components in freshwater and seawater tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus. The concentration of NH3, obtained by calculation, in fresh and seawater is 1.58 and 3.73 mg/l, respectively. However, ammonia caused same changes of hematological parameters in freshwater and seawater tilapia. The all values of hematocrit, plasma chloride, and total plasma protein were not significantly different among the initial, control and ammonia groups. Serum glucose was the only parameters that showed a significant difference among the threes groups. The tilapia exposed in ammonia solution had a higher value than did the ones in initial and control groups.