

  • 出版日期:89-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Breeding behavior of the grey face moray Siderea thyrsoidea and the development of pro-larvae.
  • 作者:張賜玲, 廖一久
  • 作者auther(英):Chang, S. L. and I C. Liao
  • 卷別:8
  • 期別:1&2
  • 頁碼:57-63

點星斑鯙可在水族箱中自然產卵,自然生殖的時間發生於晚間,親鰻如蛇般將身體捲成圓形狀,將卵圍於捲曲的軀幹中間部位,將卵堆砌起來,以守護受精卵。受精卵呈圓形、半透明、在鹽度32 ppt下,具沉性,和日本鰻比較,密點星斑鯙的受精卵較大,平均卵徑達3.44 mm,無油球,在水溫26-27 ℃、鹽度32 ppt下,約經106小時孵化。孵化後的仔魚平均全長為11 mm,眼大。孵化後6小時,眼睛開始呈現黑色,胸鰭隱約形成,在孵化後20小時,眼睛已經明顯呈現黑色,前腸細長,已經有肥厚而修長的中腸,後腸短小且不明顯。在水族箱中,仔魚大部份的時間呈靜止的狀態,僅偶而會間斷性展現如蛇般擺動尾部的泳動姿勢。第2日齡之仔魚平均全長11.5 mm,胸鰭已長成,仔魚的口部向前突出,如毒牙般的牙齒已經形成,但未發現口部有明顯的閉合現象。第3日齡的仔魚體呈透明,如蛇般尾部左右擺動的泳動行為更為持久且持續。第7日齡的仔魚顯得不活潑,沉於水族箱底部,至孵化後第8日,仔魚全部死亡。


Grey face moray Siderea thyrsoidea could spawn naturally in the aquarium. The natural spawning was found to occur at night. The brooder guarded the stacked eggs in the center of the circled body, as like the snake. Eggs are spherical, translucent, and demersal at the salinity of 32 ppt. Compared with Japanese eel Anguilla japonica the egg of grey face moray is larger, with a mean diameter of 3.44 mm but without oil droplet. At the water temperature of 26-27 ℃ and salinity of 32 ppt, the fertilized eggs were hatched at about 112 hours after spawning. The mean total length of newly hatched pro-larvae is 11 mm, having a pair of big eye. The pigment of eye and pectoral fin appeared at 6 hours after hatching. The eye pigmented significantly at 20 hours after hatching. The pro-larvae had thin foreguts, long and broad midguts, and short hindguts. In aquaria, the larvae usually sink down to the bottom, and swum by sinuate posture intermittently. The mean total length of 2 day-old pro-larvae is 11.5 mm, and the pectoral fins had formed. Meanwhile, the forward mouth and fang-like teeth were formed, but without actions of opening and closure. The 3 day-old pro-larvae were transparent. The sinuate swimming posture lasted longer than it did before. On the 7-day, the pro-larvae were weak and sunk on the bottom. On the 8-day old, the pro-larvae all died.
Key words: Siderea thyrsoidea, Breeding behavior, Development of pro-larvae