

  • 出版日期:91-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Study on Cobia, Rachycentron canadurn, Over-wintering Using the indoor High-density Recirculating System
  • 作者:黃丁士, 林金榮, 陳其欽, 蔡萬生
  • 卷別:10
  • 期別:1&2
  • 頁碼:53-62

試驗依成長分成三個階段,在自行研發之海鱺室內高密度循環水養殖系統中,進行不同蓄養密度之越冬試驗。試驗第一階段,將12,000尾平均體重為4.1 g之海鱺苗,分別放入6個4噸之FRP桶,蓄養密度為571尾/噸水;經15日培育後,平均體重為18±1 g,活存率為92.24%。第二階段,在海鱺室內高密度循環水養殖系統中,做不同蓄養密度的越冬試驗,其蓄養密度依序各為365、480及594尾/噸水,試驗採三處理二重複,並且每日3次投餵市售商用鰻魚浮料。經45天培育,三組平均體重依序為49±2、47±2及46±3 g,成長率依序為0.69±0.05、0.65±0.01及0.62±0.07 g/d。活存率依序為98.59±0.64、98.69±0.25及98.94±0.15%,其單位生產量分別為17.62、22.19及26.78 kg/m3。第三階段試驗,其蓄養密度依序各為143、214及286尾/噸水,試驗處理與前同。在海鱺室內高密度循環水養殖系統培育30日後,其平均體重依序各為114±2、111±5及107±2 g,成長率依序為2.18±0.18、2.13±0.17及2.04±0.03 g/d,三組活存率皆為100%,其單位水體生產量依序為16.33、23.70及30.46 kg/m3。試驗結果為放養密度愈高,其單位生產量愈高,但成長有降低之趨勢。水溫愈高,海鱺成長愈快。水溫20℃時,海鱺成長幾呈停滯,上升至22℃時,成長稍快,超過23℃以上時,成長最快。2002年共分六次,經由自行研發之海鱺室內高密度循環水養殖系統,中間育成之中大型海鱺苗,平均體重為120~320 g,累計80,000餘尾,已放養於海上箱網。


This study was carried out in three stages under various stocking density of cobia, Rachycentron canadum, in a recirculating system for over-wintering. In the first stage, 12,000 fish averaged 4.1 g were evenly stocked in 6 FRP tanks. Stocking density was 571 fish/m3. After 15 days, rearing average body weight of cobia was 18±1 g and survival rate was 92.24%. In the second stage, the stocking densities were 365, 480 and 594 fish/m3 and the trial was conducted with duplicates for each density. A diet of and commercial formulated eel floating pellets fed three times daily. After 45 days, rearing average body weights were 49±2, 47±2 and 46±3 g, growth rates were 0.69±0.05, 0.65±0.01 and 0.62±0.07 g/d, survival rates were 98.59±0.64, 98.69±0.25 and 98.94±0.15%, and productivities were 17.62, 22.19 and 26.78 kg/m3 respectively. In the third stage the stocking densities were 143, 214 and 286 fish/m3. After 30 days, rearing average body weights were 114±2, 111±5 and 107±2 g, growth rates were 2.18±0.18, 2.13±0.17 and 2.04±0.03 g/d, survival rates were all 100%, and productivities were 16.33, 23.70 and 30.46 kg/m3, respectively. The results showed that higher stocking density increased the productivity, but reduced the growth rate. Also, the higher the water temperature was, the higher the growth rate would be. When water temperature was 20℃, cobia grew very slow. When water temperature was raised to 23℃, the fish grew fast.
Key word: Cobia, High-density recirculating system, Over-wintering, Stocking density, Growth rate.