
台灣(魚勿)仔漁業問題與管理── ( I ) (魚勿)仔漁業問題之探討

  • 出版日期:84-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Problem and Management of the Engraulid Larval Fisheries of Taiwan─( I ) Problems of the Engraulid Larval Fisheries
  • 作者:陳宗雄
  • 作者auther(英):Chen, T. S.
  • 卷別:3
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:95-110

魩仔雙拖網漁具漁法自1977年引進臺灣,大量捕撈作業後,由於其網目過密及漁獲效率過高,不但過量捕撈魩仔魚,而且傷害許多經濟性魚類之仔稚魚。魩仔魚之過漁,導致洄游性魚類,如鯖、鰺、鰹、白帶、鰆、鮪等,因缺乏餌料之鱙仔魚而不靠近沿岸覓食,而造成這些漁業的沒落。其他經濟性魚類之仔稚魚的過漁,導致底棲魚類如鯛、鯧、狗母等之再生資源補充量銳減。仔稚魚的過漁造成下列三個後果,即1. 沿岸漁場消失,2. 沿岸三大漁業─焚寄網、延繩釣、流刺網無法生存,及3. 沿岸漁村經濟衰退。


The anchovy larval net was introduced to Taiwan in 1977. Due to the smallmesh size and the highly fishing efficiency of the net, the larvae and juvenilesof engraulids and many other demersal fishes were caught in a great amount. As aresult, the fisheries resource of engraulid and demersal species are greatlyreduced. It also affects the movement of many other pelegic species which dependon engraulid as food. Consequently, there is little fish resource available forfishing by torch light, drift net and long line. These fishing methods are themajor fisheries in coastal water of Taiwan. Thus, several problems arise such asthe unequal allocation of fishery resources, the decline economy in fishermencommunities, the protest from environmental conservationists, the generalsecurity of society etc.