

  • 出版日期:84-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Effects of Salinity on Development of the Grouper Epinephelus coioides Embryo Before and Post Organogenesis
  • 作者:葉信利, 朱永桐, 許晉榮, 丁雲源
  • 作者auther(英):Yeh, S. L., Y. T. Chu, J. R. Hseu and Y. Y. Tin
  • 卷別:3
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:133-142

利用點帶石斑原腸期、孵化前期之胚體卵為對象,探討器官發育前後胚體受鹽度刺激對孵化與魚苗產生之影響,以瞭解胚體器官形成後對鹽度變化之忍受力與鹽度調控能否有助於胚體孵化與育苗成功率。器官發育後胚體 (孵化前期) 在各鹽度組皆有較高總孵化率,並在低鹽 (5 ppt) 組有顯著差異,約為器官發育前胚體 (原腸期) 之3倍;死卵率在各鹽度組胚體器官形成前胚體皆比器官形成後胚體高,以5 ppt組為例即高達約20倍;正孵化卵率對器官形成前後胚體並無不同,皆同樣在5 ppt組出現,約16-20%;發生之未孵化胚體卵率則以器官形成後於鹽度5及20 ppt 之組而且皆高於器官形成前胚體。


The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of salinity onsurvival, developmental, and hatching rate of the embryo before and post organogenesis (gastrula, pre-hatching stage) of the grouper Epinephelus coioides cultured in different salinity of saltwater. Salinity treatments were carriedout by transferring fertilized egg from the base salinity seawater (35 ppt) intoa beaker containing water with test salinity 5~45 ppt. The results indicatedthat salinity level 5 and 45 ppt were beyond the limits for normal embryonicdevelopment. The total hatching rate, dead egg rate and un-hatch egg rate weresignificantly affected by salinity 5 ppt between gastrula and pre-hatchingstage. The hatch rates of pre-hatching stage were 3 times larger than gastrula,but dead egg rates of post organogenesis were 20 times less than beforeorganogenesis at 5 ppt of salinity. The just hatching egg rate had no differencebetween before and post organogenesis, and their values were 16~20 % at 5 pptsalinity. The un-hatch embryo rates of pre-hatching stage were higher thangastrula at 5, 20 ppt of salinity. Gastrula embryos (before organogenesis) ofthis study are generally considered to be the more sensitive stages to salinitytreatment than those pre-hatching stage in embryonic development.