

  • 出版日期:85-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Cryopreservation of Finfish and Shellfish Sperms
  • 作者:趙乃賢
  • 作者auther(英):Chao, N. H.
  • 卷別:4
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:157-170

有關水產生物配子超低溫保存的各種研發項目當中,不論是魚類或貝類,精子之保存其歷史均遠比卵胚胎保存者為久且效果卓著。本文首就生物樣品之冷凍保存原理方面之降溫、解凍、超低溫儲存,以及冷凍傷害方面之酸鹼度變異、冷刺激、冰晶形成、細胞穿透性、抗凍劑毒性,分別作系統化的條列與敘述。其次,討論並評比迄今在臺灣十餘種魚貝類精液冷凍保存全面成功之主要因素,舉凡(1)取樣和評估品質,(2)供試細胞和抗凍劑之平衡,(3)精液採定速和非定速降溫,(4)超低溫保存於 -196℃,以及(5)解凍樣品、回溫、人工受精等,均提供一詳盡之回顧與綜述。


Cryopreservation of finfish and shellfish sperm has a longer history thanthat of eggs and embryos hence with a fruitful result. The first part of thispaper introduces the principles of cryopreservation including cryofreezing,thawing and cryogenic storage. The second part describes five major injuriesrelated to freezing and thawing in the generalized cryopreservation procedures.They are pH fluctuation, cold shock, ice crystal formation, permeability andtoxicity of cryoprotectants. The third part discusses the basic steps affectingsperm survival in the series of freezing procedures and compares for thosesuccessful finfish and shellfish species in Taiwan. The steps are (1) collectionand assessment of sperm, (2) equilibration of cells in extender andcryoprotective agents, (3) freezing of sperm suspension using controlled oruncontrolled cooling rates, (4) cryogenical storage at -196(C, and (5) thawingof frozen sperm for fertilization.