

  • 出版日期:86-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Management application software for the super-intensive recirculating eel aquaculture system
  • 作者:徐雅各, 徐崇仁, 廖一久
  • 作者auther(英):Hsu, Y. K., C. Z. Shyu and I C. Liao
  • 卷別:5
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:107-114

超集約養殖用水再循環利用鰻魚養殖系統 (以下簡稱超集約養鰻系統) 的引進與發展,使得台灣之養鰻業走向系統化管理。超集約養鰻系統的設計,係依賴自動化的監控,因此,電腦輔助軟體的使用,將可增加此種系統的生產力,然而,目前多數針對此種系統開發的電腦輔助軟體,均與水質和溫度監控有關,但對養殖場的系統管理軟體反而缺乏,因此,管理人員素質之良寙,關係養殖成功與否至為重要。為使管理人員能快速掌握整場的養殖及經營狀況,系統管理軟體的開發,實有其必要性。


The super intensive eel aquaculture recirculating system (SEARS) was introduced to Taiwan in 1994. Management of the SEARS is different from the traditional pond management because more automations are used to monitor and control culture operations. The productivity of the automated SEARS may be increased through the use of computer aid program for management. However, most available computer programs for the SEARS are related to water quality and temperature monitoring and controls. Due to the complexity of the biological factors, few help can be obtained on analyzing data and providing real-time information to eel farmers. Therefore, there is a need to develop a computer program for the SEARS to manage aquaculture farms.
A software program is particularly developed for the SEARS. The software is a powerful tool for the SEARS managers. The program is user-friendly and eel farmers can easily use their current aquaculture records to run analysis. The program can handle ten sets of SEARS’s hardware systems and each set can expand to a maximum of 100 tanks. This design would provide sufficient spaces for eel farmers to expand their systems. The program also allows more than one eel species to be be raised in a farm.
The software consists of four modules: eel management, financial management, feed management, and the farm dairy. Each deals independently with a particular purpose. The program includes three analytical tools: eel aquaculture analysis, financial analysis, and feed stocking analysis. The eel aquaculture analysis is also divided into the productivity analysis on the tank history and the production analysis on current culture tanks. The former shows the production history of a tank; the latter discloses the status of tanks of current use. The program provides managers an integrated information to improve the productivity of the eel farms.
Key words: Super-intensive aquaculture, Recirculating eel aquaculture system, Computer aid