

  • 出版日期:86-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Survey on the status of the offshore cage culture in Hsiao Liu Chio island
  • 作者:張賜玲, 謝介士, 張正芳, 鄭敬善, 鄭新鴻, 蘇茂森
  • 作者auther(英):Chang, S. L., C. S. Hsieh, C. F. Chang, C. S. Chen
  • 卷別:5
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:115-128

目前,已經有4家箱網養殖場在小琉球海域設立。箱網的型式包括PVC框式箱網、軟式箱網 (沉下式無框箱網)、圓形PE框式箱網及沉下式圓形PE框式箱網等。主要的養殖魚種包括紅魽、石斑魚、海鱺 、紅魚及嘉臘魚等,其他如金錢魚、蘭勃舵魚 (白毛)、黑瓜子臘 (黑毛) 及五帶豆娘魚等為附加的養殖魚種。養殖的過程中曾發生的疾病有單殖類吸蟲、魚虱 、指環蟲及腸道性的疾病。箱網養殖最大的問題點為市場銷售管道欠佳。本文旨在介紹小琉球海域箱網養殖的現況、所遭遇的困難及改進的措施等,以提供業者參考。


There are four cage farms in the offshore of Hsiao Liu Chio island. The types of cage include PVC frame cage, submerged free frame cage (soft cage), circular PE frame cage and submersible circular PE frame cage. The main cultured species include amberjack Seriola dumerili, orange spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides, cobia Rachycentron canadum, red fish Lutjanus erythropterus and red sea bream Pagrus major. In addition, scat Scatophagus argus, lembus rudder fish Kyphosus vaigiensis, small scal-blackfish Girella sp. and five-striped damselfish Abudefduf vaigiensis could be served as additional culture species. The ectoparasite of Neobenedeniasis sp., sea lice Caligus sp., Dactylogyrus sp. and digestive tract disease have ever been occurred in those cage culture area. At present, the serious problem of cage culture is the marketing. The status and problems of offshore cage culture are presented in this report. Further improvement of culture techniques and developing directions will be discussed.
Key words: Offshore, Cage culture