
鞍帶石斑 Epinephelus lanceolatus 之人工繁殖研究.

  • 出版日期:86-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Experiments on the artificial propagation of giant grouper Epinephelus lanceolatus
  • 作者:何源興, 陳文義, 廖一久
  • 作者auther(英): Ho, Y. S., W. Y. Chen and I C. Liao
  • 卷別:5
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:129-139

本研究之主要目的在於探討國外引進之鞍帶石斑作為養殖魚種之可行性並確立其人工繁殖技術。此次用於實驗之鞍帶石斑為 4-5 年齡之種魚,以 HCG 及 LHRH-a 催熟並促進其排卵,觀察其產卵習性、胚胎發育、以及在不同鹽度下予以孵化,所獲得之一些資料摘述如下:
二﹑賀爾蒙之注射劑量,在繁殖季節之前期 5 和 6 月時,HCG 劑量約為 390~400 IU/kg,LHRH-a 劑量為 41~42 μg/kg,中期 HCG 則可降為 350 IU/kg,LHRH-a 降為 38μg/kg,即可得到良好效果。
三﹑鞍帶石斑在注射賀爾蒙後 48 小時左右即開始產卵,雄魚會追逐母魚並跳躍至水面,追逐時間可持續 6 小時左右。受精卵為圓球型、分離、浮性之透明卵,卵徑為 0.80~0.89 mm,油球一個,其直徑為 0.18~0.19 mm,在水溫 28~29℃ 下,19 小時 36 分孵化,孵化之仔魚體長為 1.65 mm±0.12。
四﹑受精卵在不同鹽度下之孵化率及一天後之活存率有顯著差異。鹽度 30 ppt 之孵化率達 90% 為最高,而 0 及 5 ppt 組之受精卵沒有孵化。孵化後一天之活存率亦以 30 ppt 組最高為 84%,20 ppt 以下之各組則全部死亡。


This study investigated the feasibility of artificial propagation of the giant grouper Epinephelus lanceolatus. Experiments with HCG and LHRH-a injection were conducted to observe the spawning behavior, embryonic development and hatching. The results are summarized as follows:
Spawning season extended from May to October.
Dosages of 390-400 IU/kg HCG and 41-42g/kg LHRH-a body weight
were used for injection during the early spawning season in May and June, and 350 IU/kg HCG and 38 g/kg LHRH-a body weight in the mid spawning season.
Ovulation occurred about 48 h after injection and once per month. After injection, males jumped as part of chasing the females. The chasing behaviour lasted for six hours. The fertilized eggs were pelagic, spherical, and transparent. They ranged 0.80-0.89 mm in diameter, and each had an oil droplet of 0.18-0.19 mm in diameter. The fertilization rate was 80%. Incubation period was approximately 19 h 36 min at the water temperature of 28-29℃. The newly hatched larva was 1.65 mm in length. Hatching rate of fertilized eggs and survival rate of newly hatched larvae varied significantly with salinities. Hatching rate was highest (90%) at 30 ppt, but hatching failed at salinities ranging from 0 to 5 ppt. The survival rate of newly hatched larvae was highest (84%) at 30 ppt. Newly hatched larvae did not survive at the salinities lower than 20 ppt.
Key words: Epinephelus lanceolatus, Artificial propagation, Embryonic development