

  • 出版日期:86-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Current status and economic analysis of freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea aquaculture in Taiwan
  • 作者:郭仁杰, 何雲達
  • 作者auther(英): Kuo, J. C. and Y. D. Ho
  • 卷別:5
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:141-155

臺灣蜆養殖以桃園、彰化、雲林、花蓮等四縣市為主要產區,養殖場規模以 1-2.5 公頃居多,其池齡多為 6-10 年,池底含砂量多為 80-100%,經營者以中低學歷,年齡 40-50 歲,養殖經驗 5-10 年者佔最多數;採獨資經營並以家庭成員為主要勞動力來源。本研究利用益本比、所得率、淨現值法與年投資報酬率等指標,來進行養殖經濟效率之評估;結果顯示,本產業整體仍屬穩定發展型,臺灣蜆養殖之經濟效率以花蓮縣最好,雲林縣最差。雲林縣之臺灣蜆養殖業屬高風險型,業者需藉由降低成本支出與提高產量方面卓手改善,以提高產業經營利潤。


This paper was conducted to provide current status and characteristics of manager, management and economic analysis of freshwater clam farming in Taiwan. The major area of freshwater clam were Taoyuan Hsien, Changhwa Hsien, Yunlin Hsien and Hwalien Hsien, farm size were 1-2.5 ha, pond ages were 6-10 years, and sand content of ponds bottom were 80-100%. Family members provided the major labor, the characteristics of operators was middle-older years, little years of formal education, and 5-10 years of farming experience. Based on data analyzed, this industry was belonging to steady-state type. Hwalien Hsien had the best economic efficiency, and Yunlin Hsien was bad. In Yunlin Hsien, if farmer can reduce costs and rise the per unit yield, the profit may increase.
Key words: Freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea, Culture, Economic analysis