

  • 出版日期:86-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Study on the quality and attracted related components of fish soluble.
  • 作者:蔡慧君, 王文政, 陳聰松
  • 作者auther(英): Chai, H. J., W. C. Wang and T. S. Chen
  • 卷別:5
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:181-193

分析市售省產或進口魚、魷和蝦溶漿,顯示魚溶漿之粗蛋白量高,魷溶漿富含粗脂肪,而蝦溶漿則含高量的粗灰分和低量的粗脂肪。進口魚溶漿組之粗灰分量顯著高於省產組,但粗脂肪量卻顯著較低,而省產與進口魷溶漿組間無顯著差異。VBN值在蝦溶漿組為72.50 mg﹪,顯著低於魚或魷溶漿組,但魚溶漿或魷溶漿之省產與進口組間無顯著差異,而VBN/TN比值除省產魚溶漿組中有 2 件樣品外,其餘者均符合國家標準一級品之規定(10%以下)。膽固醇和粗脂肪量成正相關,在魚溶漿以省產組高於進口組;魷溶漿組間無顯著差異卻均較魚溶漿組高,而蝦溶漿之膽固醇量顯著最低。誘引性胺基酸和核酸關連物質在魷溶漿主為 Asp、Lys 和 UMP;在蝦溶漿為 Glu、Arg、ATP 和 IMP;在魚溶漿為 Arg 和 AMP,游離胺基酸中以 His 含量顯著最豐,又誘引性胺基酸和核酸關連物質總量則以蝦溶漿最高。


The main purpose of this study was to understand the contents of proximate composition and attractant related compounds in fish soluble, squid soluble and shrimp soluble derived from local or imported. Among these three soluble, fish soluble contained the highest crude protein. Crude lipids were abundant in squid soluble, and shrimp soluble has a higher crude ash content and a lower crude fat. Crude ashes in imported fish soluble were higher than that of the local product, but crude fat was low. The proximate compositions between local and imported squid soluble were no significantly different. For volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) value of fish soluble and squid soluble were no significantly different between the local and the imported products, but the VBN value in shrimp soluble (72.50mg%) was the lowest of all. Subsequent study on the VBN/TN ratio, inspect two of local fish soluble, all of the products were lower than 10%.
The level of cholesterol correlated well with crude fat contents, local fish soluble were higher than imported, but there was no significant difference between local and imported squid soluble products, and cholesterol contents in shrimp soluble were the lowest of the three products. The major attracted amino acids, nucleotides and related compounds (NRC) in squid soluble were aspartic acid, lysine and UMP. And in shrimp products were glutamic acid, arginine, ATP and IMP. In addition, histidine was abundant in fish soluble and higher than those of the squid and shrimp soluble. The ATP, ADP and AMP were the dominant attracted NRC in fish soluble. The total amounts of attracted compounds of shrimp soluble were significantly higher than those of the fish and squid soluble.
Key words:Fish soluble, Attracted compounds, Free amino acid, Nucleotides and related compounds