

  • 出版日期:94-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Feasibility of Replacing Fresh Hard Clam Meat with an Artificial Feed to Improve the Maturation and Spawning of Broodstock White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)
  • 作者:曾寶順‧林明男‧沈士新
  • 作者auther(英):Bao-Shuenn Tzeng, Min-Nan Lin and Shyn-Shin Sheen
  • 卷別:13
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:53-60

本試驗比較投餵人工種蝦配合飼料與文蛤肉對白蝦母蝦產卵數及卵徑之影響,以了解人工配合飼料取代鮮餌的可行性。白蝦母蝦平均體重31.2 g,經切除單眼柄,分二組試驗,分別投餵以魚粉40 % 及烏賊粉20 % 為主要蛋白源之人工配合飼料及文蛤肉鮮餌。人工種蝦配合飼料乾物中的粗脂質、灰份、總能量、n-3 PUFA、n-6 PUFA及n-3/n-6 ratio均高於文蛤肉中含有的量。試驗30天結果,活存率二者皆為80 %,投飼人工種蝦配合飼料,產卵率為40 % 及累積脫殼率為80 % 皆低於投餵文蛤肉的60 % 及180 %,但在平均產卵數及卵徑上二者均無差異。因此,在水溫29 ~ 30 °C、鹽分30 ~ 33 ppt 條件下,本試驗之種蝦人工配合飼料和文蛤鮮餌對於促進白蝦母蝦成熟有類似的效果。


This study was conducted to determine whether it is feasible to replace fresh hard clam meat with artificial feed for broodstock of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). The initial female broodstock with one eyestalk removed were 31.2 g on average. These were divided into two groups. One group was fed artificial feed that contained 40% fishmeal and 20% squid meal as the major protein sources. The other group was fed fresh hard clam meat. Compared with the hard clam meat group, the artificial feed group contained higher levels of crude lipids, ash, gross energy, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), n-6 PUFA, and the n-3/n-6 ratio. There was no significant differences (p > 0.05) in egg numbers or egg diameters between the two groups. However, the spawning rate and the accumulated ecdysis rate of the broodstock fed the artificial feed were 40% and 80%, respectively, which were lower than those of the broodstock fed the hard clam meat (60% and 180%, respectively). The survival of both groups was 80% during the 30-d study. The results indicate that it is possible to replace fresh hard clam meat with artificial feed to achieve maturation and spawning for unilateral eyestalk-ablated female broodstock of white shrimp reared initially at 29~30 °C and 30~33 ppt salinity.