

  • 出版日期:95-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Diet and Feeding Habits of Dolphin Fish (Coryphaena hippurus) in the Waters off Eastern Taiwan
  • 作者:吳春基‧林俊辰‧蘇偉成
  • 作者auther(英):Chuen-Chi Wu, Jiun-Chern Lin and Wei-Cheng Su
  • 卷別:14
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:13-27

本研究旨在探討台灣東部海域鬼頭刀之食性。分析用之材料係於1996年9月至1997年8月間,採集自台灣東部海域延繩釣、流刺網船筏以及定置網所漁獲之鬼頭刀標本。共計採得標本1,318尾,其中延繩釣所漁獲者佔 90% 以上。鬼頭刀屬肉食性之大洋洄游性魚類,而以表層洄游性魚類為最主要的捕食對象。在週年之餌料生物組成中,以魚類居多,達79.9%,計有26科38種。主要餌料生物包括日本銀帶鯡9.8%、日本鮆 8.6%、飛魚 6.3%。餌料生物有明顯的季節性變動,春季 (2 ~ 4月) 為花蓮小砂魚丁 27.1%、日本鮆16.0%、燈籠魚 15.4% 及日本銀帶鯡 8.7%;夏季 (5 ~ 7月) 為飛魚 10.4%、刺河魨 8.1%、棘河魨 7.7% 及箱河魨 6.5%;秋季 (8 ~ 10月) 為仔稚魚 19.9%、刺河魨 11.0%、飛魚8.0% 及台灣鎖管6.6%;冬季 (11 ~ 1月) 為日本鮆20.5%、仔稚魚 10.7% 及鰻苗5.2%。鬼頭刀無論體長多大,其雌雄魚間的食性差異並不明顯。台灣東部海域的鬼頭刀不但是產卵洄游亦為索餌洄游。


The diet and feeding habits of the dolphin fish (Coryphaena hippurus) were examined using stomach contents of 1318 specimens, caught in waters off eastern Taiwan by long-line (> 90% of specimens), driftnet, and set net between September 1996 and August 1997. The dolphin fish is carnivorous, and mainly preys on a wide variety of pelagic migratory fishes. In the annual composition of food items, teleosts were dominant, consisting of 38 species in 26 families accounting for 79.9% of the total food items. The important prey species were Spratelloides gracilis (9.8%), Engraulis japonicus (8.6%), Cypselurus spp. (6.3%). The seasonal compositions of the major food items included Sardinella hualiensis (27.1%), Engraulis japonicus (16.0%), Diaphus sp. (15.4%), and Spratelloides gracilis (8.7%) in spring; Cypselurus spp. (10.4%), Diodon sp. (8.1%), Thamnaconus sp. (7.7%), and Ostracion sp. (6.5%) in summer; larval fish (19.9%), Diodon sp. (11.0%), Cypselurus spp. (8.7%), and Loligo chinensis (6.6%) in autumn; and Engraulis japonicus (20.5%), shirasu-larvae (10.7%) and eels and eel larvae (5.2%) in winter. The feeding habits of both sexes and fish of various body sizes did not significantly differ. It was concluded that dolphin fish off the eastern coast of Taiwan migrate for spawning and feeding.