

  • 出版日期:95-12-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Analysis of Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Authenticated Aquaculture Products
  • 作者:李武忠‧陳郁蕙‧陳雅惠‧蔡萬春
  • 作者auther(英):Wu-Chung Lee, Yu-Hui Chen, Ya-Hui Chen and Wan-Chu
  • 卷別:14
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:89-100

爲因應國際間對養殖水產品衛生安全之強力要求,未來我國實施可追蹤性體系 (Traceability) 或危害分析重要管制點 (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, HACCP) 體系等養殖水產品衛生安全認證已勢在必行,然無論採取何種認證措施,都將提高生產成本,因此唯有消費者對於經認證核可且衛生安全有保障之水產品願意支付較高價格,才能提高養殖業者實施衛生安全體系之意願。有鑑於此,本研究目的在於透過對消費者意願調查分析,瞭解其對養殖水產品實施衛生安全認證的意向及願付價格,以提供政府在鼓勵養殖業者做好源頭控管之參考。本文以條件評估法為基礎,利用問卷方式取得統計資料,再採行存活分析模型衡量消費者對養殖水產品實施衛生安全認證之願付價格。研究結果顯示,Log-Normal分配是表示一般民眾對養殖水產品實施安全認證評價函數較佳之分配型態,因此後續在計算消費者願付價格即以此分配為估計基礎。估計結果發現,個別受訪者評價函數中位數願付價格之平均數為11.05元/公斤,亦即表示平均而言消費者每公斤願意多支付11.05元購買具安全認證之養殖水產品。


It is necessary to adopt a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system to provide traceability in the Taiwanese aquaculture industry to meet the international needs of food safety. Since production costs will increase regardless of which system is adopted, only when consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) for authenticated products reaches sufficiently enough prices will producers be provided with the incentive to apply an authentication system to aquaculture production. The purpose of this study was to investigate how much money consumers are willing to pay for authenticated aquaculture products. The contingent valuation method and survival analysis were applied in this research. The results suggested that a log-normal distribution is the best approach to approximate the distribution of consumers’ WTP. Also, the study showed that, on average, consumers are willing to pay NT$11.05/kg more for authenticated (safe) products.