

  • 出版日期:99-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Spatiotemporal Variations of Abundance and Species Compositions of Larval Fish in Tapeng Bay
  • 作者:謝泓諺‧蘇意恬‧羅文增‧吳龍靜
  • 作者auther(英):Hung-Yen Hsieh et al.
  • 卷別:18
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:1-11

本研究主要是探討大鵬灣的仔稚魚之種類組成與數量分布及其與環境因子之相關性。於 1999年 6 月至 2001 年 12 月調查期間,共鑑定出仔稚魚種類 16 科 29 屬 31 種,平均豐度為 22.9 ± 40.7 ind./100m3,測站間無差異且灣內仔稚魚出現並無明顯之季節變化。前6個優勢種仔稚魚為肩鰓鳚屬 (Omobranchus sp.)、暗縞鰕虎魚 (Tridentiger obscurus)、白帶高鰭鰕虎魚 (Pterogobius zonoleucus)、鳚科 (blenniid sp.)、鰕虎科 gobiid sp.) 及賚伊脫鳚 (Entomacrodus lighti),合計佔仔稚魚總豐度的92%,其中第一及第二優勢種便佔了80%。由線性迴歸分析結果可知,除肩鰓鳚屬的豐度與溫度成顯著正相關 (r = 0.82, p < 0.01) 外,其他優勢種與環境因子間均無相關性。另由變方分析 (ANOVA) 結果,我們發現大鵬灣的仔稚魚豐度於測站及季節間無顯著差異。


The objectives of this study were to investigate the species composition and distribution of larval fish in relation to water temperature, salinity and chlorophyll a in Tapeng Bay. There were 31 identified species of the larval fish that belonged to 29 genera and 16 families with the mean numerical abundance of 22.9 ± 40.7 ind./100m100m3 from June 1999 to December 2001. The seasonal change in numerical abundance of the larval fish was not coincident interannually. The six most dominant taxa were Omobranchus sp., Tridentiger obscurus, Pterogobius zonoleucus, blenniid sp., gobiid sp., and Entomacrodus lighti, with occupied 92% of the total abundance. Among these, the first two dominant taxa, Omobranchus sp. and T. obscurus contributed to 80% of the total count. In linear regression analysis, there was no significantly different between environmental factors and abundance, excepting a positive relation between Omobranchus sp. and water temperature (p < 0.01). In addition, the ANOVA test was showed that there was no significantly different between abundance and months and stations.