

  • 出版日期:100-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Fish Larvae Assemblages in Relation to the Hydrographic Conditions in the Surrounding Waters of Taiwan During Summer 2007
  • 作者:陳郁凱‧潘佳怡‧王友慈‧劉燈城
  • 作者auther(英):Yu-Kai Chen, Chia-I Pan, Yu-Tzu Wang and Dong-Chung Liu
  • 卷別:19
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:1-15

為了瞭解台灣周邊海域仔稚魚群聚結構與水文環境之關係,本研究於2007年7月在台灣周邊海域62個測站進行仔稚魚採集與水文觀測,共採得仔稚魚3,614尾,分屬於93科190類,平均豐度為240.86 ± 217.48 ind./1000 m3。前十大優勢種類依次為石首魚科 (Sciaenidae) 佔總採樣尾數的10.44%、花鰹屬 (Auxis spp.) 佔8.58%、眶燈魚屬B型 (Diaphus B) 佔5.45%、鮃科 (Bothidae) 佔3.87%、犀鱈屬 (Bregmaceros spp.) 佔3.85%、鰕虎科 (Gobiidae) 佔3.46%、鰺科 (Carangidae) 佔2.88%、鰕虎科第I型 (Gobiidae type 1) 佔2.83%、隆頭魚科 (Labridae) 佔2.68%、玉筋魚科(Ammodytidae) 佔2.03%,這十個類群合計佔仔稚魚總數的46.07%。整體而言,夏季期間,台灣西部與北部海域的仔稚魚豐度高於東部與南部海域,而種類多樣性則呈相反現象,此地理性差異反映出黑潮水與沿岸水的生物組成特徵。此外,黑潮於台灣東北部與東海陸棚交界處所形成之湧昇區,仔稚魚豐度與多樣性亦明顯較高。另,由仔稚魚組成與環境因子之相關分析結果顯示,台灣海峽澎湖以北海域之仔稚魚種類組成主要受鹽度影響,而於受黑潮影響之台灣東部海域則主要與溫度有關。


In order to understand the species composition and distribution of fish larvae assemblages in relation to environmental factors in the surrounding waters of Taiwan, sampling cruise was carried out at 62 stations around waters of Taiwan in July 2007. A total of 3614 larvae representing 190 taxa in 93 families were identified. The mean abundance was 240.86 ± 217.48 ind./1000 m3. Ten dominant taxa included Sciaenidae (10.44%), Auxis spp.(8.58%), Diaphus B (5.45%), Bothidae (3.87%), Bregmaceros spp. (3.85%), Gobiidae (3.46%), Carangidae (2.88%), Gobiidae type 1 (2.83%), Labridae (2.68%) and Ammodytidae (2.03%) which occupied 46.07% of the total larvae collected. The differences in geographical distribution of fish larvae abundance and species diversity around waters of Taiwan were observed. High abundance of fish larvae was found in the northwestern and northern waters off Taiwan, and low abundance was found in the eastern and southwestern waters off Taiwan. However, the distribution pattern of species diversity was on the opposite. BIO-ENV analysis indicated that the species composition in the northwestern and northern waters off Taiwan was mainly affected by salinity, but in the eastern and southwestern waters off Taiwan it was affected by temperature.